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Re: Discrepancies : No-gru

Roy Fullmer ("Roy Fullmer" <ernobe@...>) on July 31, 2007

Perhaps by placing the discrepant words side-by-side with corresponding Lat= in and Greek root words in actual usage it would help others learn Glosa. = The whole idea behind Glosa is that people leave behind their petty quibble= s over this word or that one, and actually communicate something useful. I= ‘ve updated my site to include a search engine for Rogets Thesaurus in Engl= ish and Glosa. Perhaps you can use it to find out what the actual usage is= of words that appear to diverge from their original Latin and Greek meanin= gs. I’ve also added a file containing the Thesaurus to the files section o= f this website.

Fast links: Interglossa » Glosa »

Re: Discrepancies : No-gru - Committee on language planning, FIAS. Coordination: Vergara & Hardy, PhDs.