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Re: The Glosa Killer App

Vasiliy (Vasiliy <vabot@...>) on March 27, 2006

Hi Bill!

Thank you for your message “The Glosa Killer App” and for your thoughts. It’s all right.

What I want to add.

The killer app must have a rich and strong sponsor! (Private or government)

Let’s remember the Eo history as a precedent. Primarily the Eo project was financed by the count Lev Tolstoy. In particular his “Milito kaj paco” had been translated to Eo for his money. And many others books too. Eo wouldn’t be successfull without money of Lev Tolstoy.

If you want to destribute any IAL widely, you ought to have a serious marketing plan. The marketing plan should be designed as anti-marketing scheme.

Regards, Vasiliy Terehov

Fast links: Interglossa » Glosa »

Re: The Glosa Killer App - Committee on language planning, FIAS. Coordination: Vergara & Hardy, PhDs.