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Re: Kani vora vora

William T. Branch ("William T. Branch" <bill@...>) on February 24, 2006

Although I’m still trying to understand Glosa as it is, I like the flexibil= ity your suggestions bring to the language. Glosa still retains its pure sy= ntax orientation, and nothing existing breaks.It doesn’t seem to complicate= anything and isn’t that much harder to learn. Glosa stays clean because th= e suggestions are optional.

I need to understand language in general bette= r in order to think of any cons your suggestions would have.

I also think = Glosa is the best IAL. I read “The Loom of Language” by Frederick Bodmer, e= dited by Lancelot Hogben. Although InterGlossa was not created at the time = of the book. The critique of current IALs and the books suggestion for a ne= w one captured my imagination. I was excited to find Glosa actually existed= .


— In, Vasiliy vabot@... wrote:

= Kani vora vora —————–

Karo plu glosa-pe!

Glosa is= the finest IAL now.

I have an idea of how to improve Glosa and to = make it greatly more flexible, original and popular. And I want to infor= m about it all of you.

Let’s look on the simple Glosa sentence, for ex= ample:

 Gl: U kani vora u vora.
 En: A dog eat a f= ood.

Here, in the Glosa sentence: First ~U~ is a noun marker (arti= cle). Second ~U~ is a noun marker too.

I suggest to refuse of usin= g ~U~ as a noun marker.

What if?

Let’s take up ~U~ as a s~U~bject= phrase marker (S-marker).

Further, let’s add new marker: ~O~ as an= ~O~bject phrase marker (O-marker), wich in most cases may be omitted. =

(It slightly simulates -o and -on in Esperanto)

Further. Yet we= have the verb primitives: NU, DU, PA, FU, NE and ES, EQI, all of wich i= ndeed play a role of verb phrase markers (directly or indirectly).

We = can add to them else a new optional verb marker JE, which is nor tense p= article nor aspect particle, and usually it may be omitted.

jE is = a v~E~rb phrase marker

Example: (~DU~ have a function of the verb= marker here)

U kani du vora o vora.

Exam= ple with the marker JE: U kanu je vora o karni =3D U kani vora o karni = S V O

As it have been said, any marker may be omitted= , if such omission don’t break a sense: 1) usually in order S-V-O, bec= ause it’s the priority order 2) ~O~ should be omitted before prepositions= (a, ex, ab, de, epi …). Compare it with using -on in Eo,- o= therwise ~O~ (as the S-marker in Glosa) may be explained as an Undefinite P= reposition. 3) in present tens (especially if V-phrase begin with du, nu,= ne, es, etc.).

Examples in the order S-V-O (8 possible combination= s):

U kani vora o vora. U kani vora vora. U kani je vora o vora. = U kani je vora vora. Kani je vora o vora. Kani je vora vora. Kani v= ora o vora. Kani vora vora.

All combinations are permitted, equa= l and adequate with whole context of this exemplary sentence.

! A s= entence may have a FREE ORDER (as in slavic languages or in Eo). It’s = fine for poetry and prose.


U kani vora o vora. (S-V-O) =

U kani du vora o vora. (S-V-O) O vora u kani vora. (O-S-V) O vora u = kani du vora. (O-S-V) Du vora o vora u kani. (V-O-S) Du vora u kani o v= ora. (V-S-0) Vora u kani o vora. (V-S-O) … etc. (other combinations)=

Let’s calculate how many versions have this exemplary sentence.

48 (!) Some of versions lose the meaning
(vora kani vora, vora vora = karni…), but majority of them are possible. The loss isn’t a problem = indeed.

It gives new possibilities for poets and novelists!

Omiss= ions before conjectives: three examples. (Parenthesis designate that mark= er may be omitted. Square parenthesis designate that marker must be omit= ted.)

1) (U) kani (je) es ge-bate [o] ex andra: U kani es ge-= bate ex andra (JE is omitted also)

Here we take up that  ~U kani~ =  is a Passive Subjec, 
it isn't a Reverse Object, - compare with Eo. =

2) (U) plu kani (je) es ge-bate [o] ex andra: Plu kani es ge-ba= te ex andra (U and JE are omitted also),

U plu kani es=  ge bate ex andra,
because in this scheme ~U~ is a subject marker,  =
 but isn't a singular article.    

3) (U) kani (je) es ge-bate [o]= ex plu andra: Plu kani es ge-bate ex plu andra (U and NU are omitted= also),

May be: Kani es ge-bate ex plu andra    

The S-mar= ker ~O~ must be omitted if S-phrase has a preposition. Any preposition ha= s an implicit function of S-marker, as a fact, in any language.

= Another example:

(U) Mi (du) vidi (o) tu

Equal versions:

= Mi vide tu Mi vide o tu O tu u mi vide, etc.


An grafo o poesi in Glosa. =3D An o poesi in Glosa je grafo. =3D An o p= oesi in Glosa du grafo. =3D etc.
An pa dromo trans via. =3D Trans vi= a u an dromo. =3D etc.


Fu setimana mi visita Nice. =

(O fu setimana u mi visita o Nice. O fu setimana u mi fu visita o Nice= . Fu setimana u mi visita o Nice…)

Fe ne fu visita o sporta-do.

O sporta-do u fe ne fu visita…

Past: (U) an pa grafo (o) poe= si.

In this scheme, in subject phrase the words U-LA and U-CI

should be modified to LA and CI, or to O-LA and O-CI. (It’s better to si= mplify them to CI and LA for all pfrases)

QUOTE (improved) “Na pa ve= ni a Bombai pre tetra di. Klima es o fo fo termo! Hotel es boni, fago-ma= habe o fo boni gusta. Panto-pe es ami. Mi fo amo o ci landa.”

And= further. Let’s add else new marker ~i~, which would be used before any = phrase.

(U) andro ; tu (nu) vide , vide (o) tu.

= U andro qi tu vide i vide tu. alo U andro qi tu nu vide i vide tu.=

alo Andro qi tu nu vide i vide o tu. alo Andro tu nu vide = i vide o tu. …. (other possible combinations)

in past tense:

Andro (qi) tu pa vide i pa vide tu. Pa vide o tu u andro qi tu pa vide. = I pa vide tu u andro qi tu pa vide. I pa vide tu u andro tu pa vide. .= ….

(~;~ and ~,~ would be omitted)

The marker i may be used for = verb adverbs too.

The new markers may be used to designate a logic s= tress (emphasis):

An pa grafo o poesi. (What he wrote?) An je pa gra= fo poesi. (What he did?) U an pa grafo poesi. (Who wrote a poetry?)

= Plu kani es ge-bate o ex andra. (Who do this?)

What you thin= k about this idea?

Vasiliy B. Terehov Sochi city, Russia

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Re: Kani vora vora - Committee on language planning, FIAS. Coordination: Vergara & Hardy, PhDs.