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Kani vora vora

Vasiliy (Vasiliy <vabot@...>) on February 23, 2006

Kani vora vora

Karo plu glosa-pe!

Glosa is the finest IAL now.

I have an idea of how to improve Glosa and to make it greatly more flexible, original and popular. And I want to inform about it all of you.

Let’s look on the simple Glosa sentence, for example:

 Gl: U kani vora u vora.
 En: A dog eat a food.

Here, in the Glosa sentence: First ~U~ is a noun marker (article). Second ~U~ is a noun marker too.

I suggest to refuse of using ~U~ as a noun marker.

What if?

Let’s take up ~U~ as a s~U~bject phrase marker (S-marker).

Further, let’s add new marker: ~O~ as an ~O~bject phrase marker (O-marker), wich in most cases may be omitted.

(It slightly simulates -o and -on in Esperanto)

Further. Yet we have the verb primitives: NU, DU, PA, FU, NE and ES, EQI, all of wich indeed play a role of verb phrase markers (directly or indirectly).

We can add to them else a new optional verb marker JE, which is nor tense particle nor aspect particle, and usually it may be omitted.

jE is a v~E~rb phrase marker

Example: (~DU~ have a function of the verb marker here)

U kani du vora o vora.

Example with the marker JE: U kanu je vora o karni = U kani vora o karni S V O

As it have been said, any marker may be omitted, if such omission don’t break a sense: 1) usually in order S-V-O, because it’s the priority order 2) ~O~ should be omitted before prepositions (a, ex, ab, de, epi …). Compare it with using -on in Eo,- otherwise ~O~ (as the S-marker in Glosa) may be explained as an Undefinite Preposition. 3) in present tens (especially if V-phrase begin with du, nu, ne, es, etc.).

Examples in the order S-V-O (8 possible combinations):

U kani vora o vora. U kani vora vora. U kani je vora o vora. U kani je vora vora. Kani je vora o vora. Kani je vora vora. Kani vora o vora. Kani vora vora.

All combinations are permitted, equal and adequate with whole context of this exemplary sentence.

! A sentence may have a FREE ORDER (as in slavic languages or in Eo). It’s fine for poetry and prose.


U kani vora o vora. (S-V-O) U kani du vora o vora. (S-V-O) O vora u kani vora. (O-S-V) O vora u kani du vora. (O-S-V) Du vora o vora u kani. (V-O-S) Du vora u kani o vora. (V-S-0) Vora u kani o vora. (V-S-O) … etc. (other combinations)

Let’s calculate how many versions have this exemplary sentence. 48 (!) Some of versions lose the meaning
(vora kani vora, vora vora karni…), but majority of them are possible. The loss isn’t a problem indeed.

It gives new possibilities for poets and novelists!

Omissions before conjectives: three examples. (Parenthesis designate that marker may be omitted. Square parenthesis designate that marker must be omitted.)

1) (U) kani (je) es ge-bate [o] ex andra: U kani es ge-bate ex andra (JE is omitted also)

Here we take up that  ~U kani~  is a Passive Subjec, 
it isn't a Reverse Object, - compare with Eo.

2) (U) plu kani (je) es ge-bate [o] ex andra: Plu kani es ge-bate ex andra (U and JE are omitted also),

U plu kani es ge bate ex andra,
because in this scheme ~U~ is a subject marker, 
but isn't a singular article.    

3) (U) kani (je) es ge-bate [o] ex plu andra: Plu kani es ge-bate ex plu andra (U and NU are omitted also),

May be: Kani es ge-bate ex plu andra    

The S-marker ~O~ must be omitted if S-phrase has a preposition. Any preposition has an implicit function of S-marker, as a fact, in any language.

Another example:

(U) Mi (du) vidi (o) tu

Equal versions:

Mi vide tu Mi vide o tu O tu u mi vide, etc.


An grafo o poesi in Glosa. = An o poesi in Glosa je grafo. = An o poesi in Glosa du grafo. = etc.
An pa dromo trans via. = Trans via u an dromo. = etc.


Fu setimana mi visita Nice.
(O fu setimana u mi visita o Nice. O fu setimana u mi fu visita o Nice. Fu setimana u mi visita o Nice…)

Fe ne fu visita o sporta-do. O sporta-do u fe ne fu visita…

Past: (U) an pa grafo (o) poesi.

In this scheme, in subject phrase the words U-LA and U-CI should be modified to LA and CI, or to O-LA and O-CI. (It’s better to simplify them to CI and LA for all pfrases)

QUOTE (improved) “Na pa veni a Bombai pre tetra di. Klima es o fo fo termo! Hotel es boni, fago-ma habe o fo boni gusta. Panto-pe es ami. Mi fo amo o ci landa.”

And further. Let’s add else new marker ~i~, which would be used before any phrase.

(U) andro ; tu (nu) vide , vide (o) tu.

U andro qi tu vide i vide tu. alo U andro qi tu nu vide i vide tu. alo Andro qi tu nu vide i vide o tu. alo Andro tu nu vide i vide o tu. …. (other possible combinations)

in past tense: Andro (qi) tu pa vide i pa vide tu. Pa vide o tu u andro qi tu pa vide. I pa vide tu u andro qi tu pa vide. I pa vide tu u andro tu pa vide. …..

(~;~ and ~,~ would be omitted)

The marker i may be used for verb adverbs too.

The new markers may be used to designate a logic stress (emphasis):

An pa grafo o poesi. (What he wrote?) An je pa grafo poesi. (What he did?) U an pa grafo poesi. (Who wrote a poetry?)

Plu kani es ge-bate o ex andra. (Who do this?)

What you think about this idea?

Vasiliy B. Terehov Sochi city, Russia

Fast links: Interglossa » Glosa »

Kani vora vora - Committee on language planning, FIAS. Coordination: Vergara & Hardy, PhDs.