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Re: [glosalist] "Gene" e "ge-"

Nicholas Hempshall (Nicholas Hempshall <nick_hempshall@...>) on February 19, 2004

— Robin Gaskell wrote:

*** Mi uti u /gene ge-X/ forma ka id eqa puri Ron Clark Glosa. Plus id don u ma exakti semani. E id perfekti mapa un uti de no-akti voka [passive voice] de England-lingua.

I disagree that this is “puri Ron Clark Glosa”

I don’t find it in the publications

Enlgish uses the verb “to be” for the passive construction as in this example from “18 Steps to Fluency”

~Ante pedi-kruci es ge-parka u moto cikla.~

All the ~gene~ uses in “18 Steps” are without the “ge-“ such as

~U piski pa gene kuko.~ ~Poli persona nu gene repara per alo-medika.~


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Fast links: Interglossa » Glosa »

Re: [glosalist] "Gene" e "ge-" - Committee on language planning, FIAS. Coordination: Vergara & Hardy, PhDs.