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Re: [glosalist] Un uti de "ke"

Robin Gaskell (Robin Gaskell <drought-breaker@...>) on February 10, 2004

Plu Amika, At 05:58 AM 2/8/04 -0500, Sid Pidd grafo:

ko robin, mi amo “ke”, id habe fo uti. sid Gracia Sid.

Recento, mi pa vide oligo difere de opinio epi u-ci Lista.  Sed U-ci ra  posi fu kausa ma turba.

 Usuali, mi gene ge-duce ex plu verbi de Ron Clark e Wendy  Ashby.  Posi, u-ci es un excepta.

 Mi fu nece akti recerka te dona explike de plu speciali uti de "ke,"  sed, brevi, id eqa u signa te dice na habe u seqe major-grega [Eng.  clause].  "Ke" ne introduce plu homo Major-grega pro qi na uti "qi," alo id  brevi forma, ";".

Id pa es u rubi kefa-ve; qi an pa habe epi-auto. =  It was the red hat  that he had on.

An pa habe epi-auto u-la rubi kefa-ve.    =    He had on that red hat.

Id pa es ka an pa vesti-auto in u-la rubi  kefa-ve; qi ne habe gru ko  an plu hetero   vesti-ra, ke mi ne ki ad u teatra ko an.

 =  It was because he wore that red hat that does not match his other  clothes, that I did not go to the theatre with him.


Robin Gaskell

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Re: [glosalist] Un uti de "ke" - Committee on language planning, FIAS. Coordination: Vergara & Hardy, PhDs.