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Cisco Kid 24

Gary Miller (Gary Miller <gmillernd@...>) on May 14, 2012

While they fared the Kid sang. > Tem mu akti, u Juve-an du kanta.

He knew but one tune and sang it, as he knew but one code and lived it, and but one girl and loved her.

An ski solo mono kanta, e akti id, homo an ski solo mono regula-fa, e akti id, e mono gina, e filo fe.

He was a single-minded man of conventional ideas.

An pa es u mono-buta andro ex plu vulga idea.

He had a voice like a coyote with bronchitis, but whenever he chose to sing his song he sang it.

An habe u kanta-pote homo u Canis latrans ko pulmona pato. Anti-co ali-kron an elekti akti u kanta, an akti id.

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Cisco Kid 24 - Committee on language planning, FIAS. Coordination: Vergara & Hardy, PhDs.