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Localhosed (Localhosed <localhosed@...>) on May 13, 2012

xavi wrote :

“Hi localhosed, thanks for your suggestions. You are right, many of those “common” words I mentioned are not so common. And *cristal was an error.

Anyway, I think lexicographers need to use both a frequency approach (like Davis & Gardner’s frequency list of 5000 words) and a theoretical approach (like the “Longman Defining Vocabulary” of 2200 essential words: ). With the latter we get some essential words which may be not very frequent. Greetings. Xavi.”

What is the theory or method of the Longman dictionary? Which words have you found that would be important for adding to the GID? I tend to think of Mega GID as a separate reference for special purposes. A short phrase could be possible for aircraft. I need to think about it.

For Centra, I would consider many synonyms and near synonyms first before adding a word. I am still learning Glosa, so I don’t have a very good guess about what ideas are hard to express clearly or in less than 4 words (in the form of : substantive substantive de substantive - which can be much longer than a single word if used often enough. I looked a little in the Longman defining dictionary PDF that you linked, and it may be that there are some useful things that could be added from it, but I recognize lots of words from it that aren’t necessary. These come in pairs in english, that Glosa is supposed to treat as a single word. Glosa is supposed to use syntax to make meaning clearer. For example govern with goverment, mess/messy, imagination/imaginary. I can recognize most words from the pdf file you linked in Centra. So far I think Centra is a particularly well organized group of ideas. Some ideas seem ‘ambiguous’ more than others, but I haven’t been too terribly confused with Glosa so far. Short sentences help. Semicolons help. Context helps. So does familiarity with Glosa.

I notice ideas like peti/kade/vola. Peti includes fall and fly. Vola does not include fall, but includes fly. Kade only includes fall, but no other meanings from the other two. But I think the reason for overlap may be because the Glosa meanings need to fit with so many other languages also. Other languages may handle “fall” differently. So I think that it could be potentially destructive to add too many words to Centra, because if the meanings are too specific, they could conflict with the general nature of Glosa words. So that : the words would no longer be very general, and the syntax that is supposed to handle creating specific meaning from general meanings could be disrupted.

De “crystal”… info de ge-libe origi nu expliki :

Coincidentally it lists cristal as the old english and old french spellings. But, we are interested in pseudo (ge-muta) greek and latin roots, and Mega GID already has some probably from these roots - kristal, kristali This probably matches with the use in the english word “cryogenics” . (after a fashion, not meaning crystal here, but instead - frozen) Mi pote face u frase ko Glosa; de id. “kristali minerali / kristali geo-ma / krista minerali / krista geo-ma / geli minerali / geli geo-ma / geli lito / geli petro “ Plu-ci habe .. historical accuracy (maybe?), semi-OK ‘intuitive’ meaning accuracy but not good scientific accuracy. I like geli petro among those choices. Mi amo ‘geli petro’ inter plu-la ge-elekti verba.

So I want to think some more on it. What do you think about crystal (or anyone)?

Nu, mi menta habe MEGA fatiga.

Saluta, Vale. (verba ‘mega’ es kali; mi doxo.)

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Re: GID - Committee on language planning, FIAS. Coordination: Vergara & Hardy, PhDs.