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Wini-u-Puh, mero 1 de 2

Gary R Miller (Gary R Miller <justi.miller@...>) on August 24, 2003

Penite de u-ci es po-kron. Mi puta-me pa gene krasc.

MONITO: Plu /Wini-u-Puh/ bibli habe kopi-privilegi in USA. In USA, translati u PUSI mero pro EDUKA e NE pro valuta ne es anti lega. U lekto-pe debi akti verifi de kopi-privilegi lega de auto natio pre tipo.

Tem ultima semi de ultima hekto-anua, /Wini-u-Puh/ pa gene translati a Latina e ad Esperanto.

[WARNING: The /Winnie-the-Pooh/ books are copyrighted in the USA. In the USA, translating a SMALL part for EDUCATION and NOT for profit is not against the law. The reader should check his own country’s copyright laws before printing it.

During the last half of the last century, /Winnie-the-Pooh/ was translated into Latin and Esperanto.]

PUH KI TE VISITA ex A. A. Milne (c) Dutton’s Children’s Books

Puh panto-tem amo u pusi sito-mero mana horo mo-mo, ko-co an este fo hedo po vide; Kuni moti plu disko e bibe-va a mensa. Plus-co, po Kuni dice: “Meli alo ge-densi lakti ko tu pani?” an este talo excite, so an dice: “Bi-ci.” Po-co, te ne feno gluto, an dice: “Anti-co nuli pani, place.”

Longi tem po-co an dice nuli-ra, a kron, tem apis-soni a se per subo hesi voka, an sti sta e tena Kuni ante pedi kon amo e dice; an nece ki ab. “Qe tu nece?”–Kuni dice ko civili. “Alora,”–Puh dice–“mi posi resta pusi ma tem, si es…si tu…” Ko-co an fo tenta vide a sito-stora-lo. “Es faktu; plus mi nu-fu ki ex.” “O, alora, po-co mi fu ki ab. Vale.” “Ben, vale, si tu este sura; tu ne fu vora ma.” “Qe es ma?”–Puh dice ko tako. Kuni apo tegu ab disko e dice: “No, ne es.” “Mi doxo ne.”–Puh dice tem ja-sema a se. “Alora, vale. Mi nece ki ab.”

Po-co an proto skende ex fora. An sti trakto per ante pedi e sti pulsa per poste pedi. Po pusi tem an nasa es extra…po-co an ante pedi…po-co an skapa…po-co: “O, auxi!”–Puh dice. “Mi debi ki retro…” “Mi ne posi akti bi-ci!”–Puh dice. “O, auxi e turba!”…

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Wini-u-Puh, mero 1 de 2 - Committee on language planning, FIAS. Coordination: Vergara & Hardy, PhDs.