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_Qo Akti_ Third attempt

Robin Gaskell (Robin Gaskell <drought-breaker@...>) on July 4, 2003

Karo Glosa-pe, Ci es u tri responde. U-CI TEM MI PA ELIMINA SINGU KASO DE PLU “ITALIC” LITERA.

At 12:50 AM 6/25/03 +0000, Gary Miller grafo:

Ach! ….. mi pa translati u grama; an (Marcel) pa bali, de u neo filma Qo akti? (Glosa translati fu seqe. Posi, Marcel fu detekti plu ero…)

Mathilde ter Heijne Qo akti? ….. Video program on six monitors, 2003

The diversity of languages in our world has led to the fact that many people cannot understand each other.


Qo akti? Video-programa ad-in sixa monito-me, 2003

U difere inter lingua in na munda pa duce a ra; poli homi ne pote logi alelo. …..

Saluta, _ _ /. Gary #/# ###

  • Kron Gary pa gene ad u-ci Glosa versio de u Filma programa, id pa ki dia bi traduce procesa - bi ex Gary. So, u Glosa versio sio debi fo proxi u semani de u Deutsch-lingua origi. E kron Gary pa invita Marcel de skope an traduce, mi acepta id iso u ma generali invita, so mi pa decide komenta, si mi puta id fu habe valu.

Prima mi pa lekto un England-lingua, seqe u Glosa. Mi pa puta:- . Gary traduce ex England-lingua a Glosa ne es u directi traduce. . Qo-mode mi pote komenta si Gary uti lati traduce? . Qe, un arti, koncepa subjekti es gru pro Glosa? E, si so, qe na habe u prepara te uti u lingua to u-ci gradu, to nu-tem? . Qe, mi dona komenta de Gary traduce in Glosa, alo mi face traduce mi-auto, ex an England-lingua in mi Glosa?

[First I read the English then the Glosa. I thought:- # Gary’s translation from English to Glosa is not direct translation. # How can I comment if Gary used broad translation?
# Is the artistic, conceptual subject suitable for Glosa? And, if so, are we prepared to use the language at this level, at this time? # Will I make comments on Gary’s translation into Glosa, or will I make my own translation from his English into my Glosa?]

—> Mi pa decide pro kompomise: mi sio uti Gary Glosa traduce. Prima mi tenta uti “italic”, sed Yahoo ne pa acepta u-ci, so mi pa edito Gary grafo uti simpli textu. Ka u longi de u filma programa, mi inter-loka plu para-grafo:-

Qo akti? Video program on six monitors, 2003

Qo akti? Video-programa ad-in sixa monito-me, 2003

The diversity of languages in our world has led to the fact that many people cannot understand each other. English, the most useful language, is relatively easy to learn compared to French, but for a Chinese person it is more difficult to speak than Arabic is for us.

ORIGI: U difere inter lingua in na munda pa duce a ra; poli homi ne pote logi alelo. Pe facili gene ski de England-lingua; u maxi funktio, ko kompara ko France-lingua. Anti-co Cina-pe detekti id ma no-facili; de Arabi-lingua es a na.

GE-MUTA: U difere inter plu lingua intra na munda pa duce ad u faktu; poli persona ne pote logi alelo. England-lingua; qi es u maxi uti-ple lingua, habe ma facili de sko, kron ge-kompara ko France-lingua. Anti-co pro u Cina-pe id kausa ma no-facili te voka, de Arabi-lingua habe pro na.

As a solution to language diversity, Professor Hogben developed Interglossa (or Glosa), an international language, in 1943. It has a vocabulary of only 1000 words and is based on scientific terms. It is a language that has no grammar, and that is not bound to one country or one part of the world and so is neutral. It is a language that can be learned in a single day and is suitable for everyone.

O: Homo solve anti lingua difere, profesoro Hogben pa face Interglossa (alo Glosa); un internatio lingua, tem anua 1943. Id habe u verba lista de solo mo-kilo e habe u basi ex skience verba. Id es u lingua; qi habe zero gramatika e qi ne es ge-liga a mo natio alo a mo mero de munda, ka-co es nutra. Id es u lingua; pe pote gene sko de, tem mo di e es grua panto-pe.

G: Iso u solutio ad u difere de lingua, Profesoro Hogben pa developo Interglossa (alo Glosa), un internatio lingua, tem anua 1943. Id habe u verba lista de solo mo-kilo verbi, e gene id basi ex plu verbi de skience. Id es u lingua; qi habe zero gramatika, e qi ne es ge-liga a mo natio alo a mo mero de u munda: ka-co id habe nutra. Id es u lingua; de qi plu-pe pote gene sko tem mo di, e id habe gru pro panto-pe.

The video work Qo Akti? is drawn from a little-known film by Italian producer Liliana Cavani about the French philosopher Simone Weil. Mathilde ter Heijne has had part of the script of Lettere dall’ Interno (written by Liliana Cavani together with Italo Moscati in 1971) translated into Glosa. Glosalist Wendy Ashby developed this language together with Ron Clark in the 1980’s. She has translated and spoken a part of the original script by Liliana Cavani in newly-developed Euro-Glosa.

O: U video krea Qo akti? gene tira ex u pusi ge-ski filma de France filosofi-fe Simone Weil ex Italia editora Liliana Cavani. Mathilde ter Heijne pa face; u mero de drama-bibli de Lettere dall’ Interno (ge-grafo ex Liliana Cavani ko Italo Moscati tem anua 1971) gene translati per Glosa. Glosa-pe Wendy Ashby ko Ron Clark pa dura face u-ci lingua tem plu anua 198-. Fe pa translati e pa dice u mero de origi drama-bibli ex Liliana cavani in neo ge-developo Euro-Glosa.

G: U video krea-ra Qo akti? veni ex u pusi-ge-ski filma, koncerne u France filosofi-fe Simone Weil, e origi ge-face ex Italia editora Liliana Cavani. Mathilde ter Heijne pa face u video, habe mero de u drama-bibli, Lettere dall’ Interno (ge-grafo ex Liliana Cavani ko Italo Moscati tem anua 1971); qi pa gene ge-translati in Glosa. Glosa-pe, Wendy Ashby, pa developo u-ci lingua ko Ron Clark durante u 1980 dek-anua. Fe pa translati e pa dice u mero de un origi drama-bibli ex Liliana cavani, uti u neo-ge-developo Euro-Glosa.

The script of the little-known film is a melodrama of partly biographical and partly documentary character. The life of Simone Weil (a struggle to free the working-class and provide equal opportunity for everyone) and her thoughts (about death, suffering, and deliverance) picture the following string of events: from her working in a factory in France at the beginning of the 1930’s and from the Spanish Civil War to her death at the beginning of the 1940’s in England, where she died at the age of 34 of malnourishment and exhaustion.

O: U drama-bibli de u-ci pusi ge-ski filma es u tristi-drama de in-mero biografo e in-mero histori karakteri. Simone Weil bio (u lukta te face libe un ergo-pe klasi e te dona un eqa okasio a panto-pe) e fe kogita (de morta, sufero e salva) dona plu pikto de plu seqe acide de histori: ex fe ergi in face-do in France tem proto de plu anua 193- e ex Hispania intra-milita a-kron fe morta in England tem proto de plu anua 194-; topo fe lose bio kausa minus de sito e kausa debili kron habe 34 anua.

G: U drama-bibli de u-ci pusi-ge-ski filma es u tristi-drama de u mero biografo e u mero histori karakteri. Simone Weil bio (u lukta te fero libe ad u Klasi de plu Ergo-pe, e te dona un eqa okasio a panto-pe), e fe plu kogita (de morta, sufero e salva), dona plu pikto de u seqe histori de acide: ex fe ergi intra u face-do intra France tem u komence de u 1930 dek-anua; e ex u Hispania Intra-milita ad u komence de u 1940 dek-anua intra England, qo-lo fe pa lose bio kron fe habe 34 anua, kausa minus de sito, e debili.

The scene is the famous Nazi barracks in Krampnitz in the vicinity of Berlin, where the Russian army was stationed. And so this place is the scene for many movies.

O: U skena es plu ben-ge-ski Nazi milita-do in Krampnitz in proxi-lo de Berlin; topo u Rosija arme pa habe eko. Ka-co u-ci loka es u skena de poli filma.

G: U skena es plu ben-ge-ski Nazi milita-do in Krampnitz in u proxi-lo de Berlin; topo u Rosija arme pa habe eko. Ka-co u-ci loka es u skena pro poli filma.

  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Ko apo-logi a Gary, sine qi mi ne posi face ali traduce.  Plura mero de u supra histori pa kausa mi problem, sed mi ne habe turba de plu litera de plu verbi, u klari de un England-lingua, alo plu faktu; alterno-co, mi pa tenta traduce u filma programa .. iso id pa es ge grafo.

[With apologies to Gary, without whom I could not possibly have made any translation. Several parts of the above story caused me problems, but I was not worried about spelling, English clarity, nor the facts; instead, I tried to translate the film program .. as it was written.]

SED Mi pa gene stimula - to u numera de loka - te face plu muta pro korekti plu factu, e te ameliora un uti de lingua. Qo-pe pa grafo u Deutsch-lingua origi, Wendy alo u mali ge-instru jurnalisti?:- . U kompara inter England-lingua, France-lingua, Cina-lingua e Arabi- lingua pa kausa poli problema. . Hogben nuli-tem pa developo Glosa. Qod an pa developo kresce in Glosa, sed u-la ne es qod u programa pa dice. . Na delude auto, si na kogita ke u munda pote akti id komerci uti solo 1000 verbi. . Ne solo es id no-korekti, sed uno-pe pote kausa koleri pro poli-pe, per dice ke GLOSA HABE NULI GRAMATIKA. Ron pa dice id, e mi imagina ke Wendy, plus, dice id. U-ci dice-ra esce veri, kron na adi solo mo verbi: na pote dice, “Glosa habe nuli morfo gramatika.” Anti-co, sine u gramatika de sintaxi, Glosa ne pote existe. . U persona; habe 200 IQ e u kompleti ski de Latina e Greko, sio gene sko de Glosa durante u hemi-di. Sed u fo lenti progresi de u-ci Lista eqa silento proba, ke gene sko de Glosa tem mo di eqa u falsi-ra. . Te logi qo-fe pa akti qod - face filma, face video, lose bio ka minus de sito - mi pa lekto u histori dia bi Glosa e England- lingua u numera de tem. . Te logi per qo mode e to qo tem Glosa pa veni in u face de u video, plus ne habe imedia klari.

[BUT I was tempted - at a number of places - to make changes for the correction of facts, and to improve the use of language. Who wrote the German original, Wendy or a badly instructed journalist?:-
# The comparison between English, French, Chinese and Arabic caused many problems. # Hogben never developed Glosa. What he developed grew into Glosa, but that is not what the program said. # We delude ourselves if we think that the world can do its commerce using only 1000 words. # Not only is it incorrect, but one can cause anger in many people, by saying that GLOSA HAS NO GRAMMAR. Ron said it, and I imagine that Wendy also says it. This statement becomes true when we add only one word: we can say, “Glosa has no morphological grammar.” However, without the grammar of syntax, Glosa does not exist. # A person, having 200 IQ and a complete knowlege of Latin and Greek, would learn Glosa in half a day. But the very slow progress of this List is silent proof that learning Glosa in one day is a falsehood. # To understand which woman did what - make film, make video, die through malnutrition - I read the above story both in Glosa and English a number of times. # To understand by what means, and at what time, Glosa came into the making of the video, also was not immediately clear.]

E la veni u pluso di, Saluta, (U tali puta iso u-ci, e te detekti plu korekti Glosa verbi in qi de expresi mu, uti mega qantita de tem.)

Robin Gaskell P.S. Posi na pote uti “italic” e “bold” dia u Yahoo inter-face: plura de vi pote ski u metodi de uti plu-ci forma. R. P.P.S. Mi uti Eudora, e id habe bi plu-ci forma intra id menu. Nuli hetero Inter-reti grupa pa previo dona opposi a mu. R.

Fast links: Interglossa » Glosa »

_Qo Akti_ Third attempt - Committee on language planning, FIAS. Coordination: Vergara & Hardy, PhDs.