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Pa face id : Mico Carmelo Ranibakt.
 (Mainz, Deutsch-landa. HTML ex Marcel Springer., 2002) 

(Note: This file may provide words, that are “Mega Glosa” or even old and expired. Please always have a look at the Glosa Internet Dictionary and prefer the up-to-date words of Central Glosa. Thank you.)






The alphabet

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z

Each letter is sounded.


…. a = AH, e = AY, i = EE, o = OR, u = OO

Eng. father, cafe, machine, more, lute … (“o” & “u” with lips out)


…. f, g, k, s - pronounced hard ………………………….. fun, get, key, so
…. c = CH (as in Italian) ………………………….. rich
…. h - voiced ………………………….. hat
…. j = Y ………………………….. you
…. q = KW (no following “u”) ………………………….. Qantas
…. r - trilled if possible (as in Scotland) ………………………….. grr!
…. v = V ………………………….. very
…. w = W ………………………….. wet
…. x = KS ………………………….. extra
…. y = EE - pronounced the same as “i” ………………………….. baby
…. z = TS - voiced ………………………….. zero
…. b, d, l, m, n, p, t - normal European pronunciation    


       pote - pOR-tAY       komunika - kOR-mOOn-EEkAH

       boni - bORnEE        skience  - skEE-AYn-CHAY

       felis - fAY-lEEs     kanis    - kAR-nEEs

       patri - pAH-trEE     vagona   - vAH-gOR-nAH


Usually on the penultimate syllable (one before the last).

Vocal Inflection

Generally as in English, with rising inflection before a comma or semi-colon, and falling inflection before a full stop.

               /                     /                        \
              /                     /                          \

   e.g. Un andra; qi pa du trans u via, pa kurso ad u hetero latu.

        The man, who was crossing the road, ran to the other side.



Noun markers

u            a, the
plu          the

   Mi lekto u bibli.              I read the book.
   mi kapti plu piski.            I catch the fishes.
   mi fu lekto plu bibli.         I read the books.
   Mi pa visita u teatra.         I visited the theatre.
   mi pa audi u radio.            I listened to the radio.
   Mi amo gene sko de plu lingua. I like learn many languages.
   Mi fu skope u televisio.       I will watch the television.
   Mi kolekti plu moneta.         I collect coins.
   U bibli de plu grama.          A puzzle book.
   U bibli es epi tabla.          The book is on the table.

General terms

oligo  few      - Mi habe oligo bibli    (I have a few books).
poli   many     - Mi habe poli poda-te   (I have many stockings).
mega   big      - Mi pa vide mega zoa    (I saw a big animal).
plura  several  - Mi pa merka plura kosa (I bought a lot of things).
pusi   small    - Tu habe pusi zoa       (You have a little animal).

or numeral as …. bi, tri, tetra …. hekto ……

  Mi habe oligo bibli in mi domi.         (I have a few books in my house)
  Mi habe poli ami in u-ci urba.          (I have a lot of friends in this town)
  Mi habe hekto bibli in mi domi.         (I have one hundred books in my house)
  Mi habe tri bibli. Mi pa visita bi ami. (I have three books. I visited two friends.)
  Mi pa grafo tri grama.                  (I wrote three letters)
  Mi habe plura nota bibli.               (I have several copy-books.)


… are invariable in gender and number.
With prefix no- we obtain the contrary of any adjective.

kali        beautiful        no-kali (ugly)
alti        high             baso (low)
  no-iso  (unequal)
brevi       short            longi (long)
delikati    delicate         krudi (rough)
dura        hard             moli (soft)
  kura  (tender)
mega        great            pusi (little)
fatiga      tired            ge-relaxa (relaxed)
glabro      smooth           asperi  (rough)
gravi       heavy            levia (light)
hedo        happy            tristi  (sad)
juve        young            paleo  (old)
karo        dear             pusi preci (cheap)
koleri      angry
libe        free             dulo (slave)
lipo        fat              tenu (thin)
mega        big              pusi  (little)
paki        thick, fat       tenu (thin)
pikro       bitter           gluko (sweet, nice)
pato        ill, sick        sani (healthy)
rosa        pink
melano      black            albi (white)
mikro       tiny             mega (great)
neo         new              paleo (old)
gimno       naked            ge-vesti (dressed)
pove        poor             pluto  (rich)
rabi        mad
veri        true             falsi (false)
korekti     correct
skoto       dark
mali        bad              boni (good)
albi        white            melano (black)
melano      black            albi (white)
xanto       yellow
gri         grey
kloro       green
ciano       blue
rubi        red
bruno       brown
rosa        pink
cerule      blue-sky
rubi-xanto  orange
kriso       gold
lati        far              para (near)
liso        smooth           asperi (rough)
moli        soft             dura (hard)
steno       narrow
debili      weak             forti (strong)
vaku        empty            ple (full)
agamo       unmarried
nul-ergo-pe  unemployed person
no-pote     unable
kalido      warm             frigi (cold)
boni, eu    good             kako (bad, evil)
aliena      foreigner
wide        lati             steno (narrow)
justi       right
habro       pretty
tako        quick            lento (slow)
flaci       flaccid
malako      soft
karni-lipo  suet
tele        far
timidi      fearful
rondo       round
flaci       floppy
facili      easy             no-facili (difficult)
kompso      elegant
publika     public
agrio       wild
higro       wet
sofi        wise
falsi       wrong
holo        whole
publika     public
funktio     useful           no-funktio (useless)
vafro       cunning
ge-face     artificial
nutra       neuter
stimula     interesting
boni        good
dina        strong
heli        alone
aglao       beautiful
dipso       thirsty
fami        hungry
stereo      solid
psilo       naked, bare
geronto     old (man)
atro        black
foto        light (not dark)  skoto (dark)
plumpa      plump
bradi       slow
sklero      hard (not soft)
kandida     candid
lepto       delicate
delicio     delicious
agano       kind     more ............than     less................than
fo...........         too......very..........
ma paleo              elder
maxi paleo            eldest
mini  kali

Mi es kali.                        I am beautiful.
U-ci anto es fo kali.              This flower is very beautiful.
George es ma kali de Louis.        George is more beautiful than Louis.
U-ci bibli es mei stimula de u-la. This book is less interesting than that.
George es iso vafro de Louis.      George is as shrewd as Louis.
George es u maxi alti de u klase.  George is the taller in the class.


ki              to go (infinitive)

present               past       future     condit.

mi ki (I go)          pa ki      fu ki      sio ki
tu ki (you (sg.) go)
an ki (he goes)
fe ki (she goes)
id ki (it goes)
na ki (we go)
vi ki (you (pl.) go)
mu ki (they go)

imperative          past part.         part.pres.       gerund

ki!                 ge-ki              ki, ki-pe        du ki

infinitive (subst)       imperfect                plusquamperfect

u ki                      mi pa du ki             mi pra ki

future perfect          present perfect

mi fu pa ki             mi nu pa ki

Continuous forms

Mi du ki        I am going
Mi pa du ki     I was going
Mi fu du ki     I will be going

Passive voice

 ... gene ... ex 

An gene examina ex iatri. He is examined by the doctor.

qe   interrog.particle
               Qe tu volu veni ko mi?
ne   negative particle
               Mi ne lekto u bibli. Mi ne pa sporta tenis pa-di.

Tense Table

   Glosa                      English
   -------                    ---------
   Vide.                      See.
   Du vide.                   Continue seeing.
   Qe, nu-pa vide?            Just seen?
   Qe, nu-pa du vide?         Just been seeing?
   Nu-fu vide.                Just watch.
   Nu-fu du vide.             Just be watching.

   An vide                    He sees
   An du vide                 He is seeing
   An nu-pa vide              He just saw
   An nu-pa du vide           He has just been seeing
                              (He now did continue to see)
   An nu-fu vide              He is about to see
   An nu-fu du vide           He is about to be seeing

   An pa vide                 He saw;  He has seen
   An pa-du vide              He has just been seeing
                              (He did continue to see)
   An pra vide                He had seen
   An pra-du vide             He had been seeing
   An pa-fu vide              He was about to see
     (Note: pra is an old form.  Prefer only pa.)

   An fu vide                 He will see
   An fu-du vide              He will be seeing
   An fu-pa vide              He will have seen
   An fu-pa du vide           He will have been seeing
   An nu-fu pa-du vide        He will just have been seeing
   An nu-fu vide              He will just see

   An sio vide                He would see
   An sio du vide             He would be seeing
   An sio pa vide             He would have seen
   An sio pa-du vide          He would have been seeing
   An sio nu-fu vide          He would just see
                         or   He would be about to see

   Lase an vide               Let him see
   An nece vide               He needs to see
   An pa nece vide            He needed to see (did need to )
   An fu nece vide            He will need to see
   An fu poso vide            He will possibly see
   An fu gene lice vide       He will be (get) allowed to see
   An habe lice vide          He has permission to see
   An habe pote vide          He is able to see
   An habe u pote te vide (alt.)  "   "   "

   An debi vide               He ought to see ... (now)
   An sio debi vide           He should see ... (later)
   An pa debi vide            He should have seen (did ought)

   U ge-vide objekti          The seen object
   Id gene vide per un andra. It is seen by the man.
   An fu gene vide.           He will get seen.
   Fe ne pa vide an.          She did not see him.
   Qe, an nu vide fe?         Does he see her, now?
   pa = did;  fu = will;  pra = had;  ge- = /ed;  ne = does not;
   gene = gets;  du = continues;  nu = just now;  sio = would.


debi            ought to
nece            must
lice            may
volu            want
pote            can
more            usually
pa more         used to

Personal pronouns and adjectives

mi      I, my, me    u-mi   mine
tu      you, your
an      he, his, him
fe      she, her
id      it, its
na      we, our, us
vi      you, your
mu      they, their, them

pe      one, people
  pe dice hispano ci.    (people speak spanish here)
  pe dice....            (one says.....)
se     one's (reflex.)
  An vesti se.           (He dress himself).
  An pa sume se poda-ve. (He took his shoes)


u-ci             this
plu-ci           these
u-la             that
plu-la           those


tem             at the time
de              of
ab              from
ad              to, till
te              in order to
  Mu pa ki te ergo in ergo-do. (They went to work in the factory)
epi             on
infra           under
ko              with                  minus (without)
in              in                    intra (within)
inter           between, among
pro             for                   anti (against)
ex              out, by (agent)
peri            around
dia             through
ana             up
kata            down
per             by (instrumental)
proxi           near
tele            far
trans           beyond
intra           inside
meso            middle
supra           over
ante            in front of
de              about
  U bibli de plu fito (a book about plants)
ultra           beyond
to              at (place)
sine            instead of


 0    ze               15   mo-pen
 1    mo               20   bi-ze
 2    bi               21   bi-ze mo
 3    tri              30   tri-ze
 4    tet              40   tetra-ze
 5    pen              50   pen-ze
 6    six              60   sixa-ze
 7    seti            100   mo hekto
 8    ok              200   bi hekto
 9    nona           1000   mo kilo
10    deka
11    mo-mo
12    mo-bi
13    mo-tri
14    mo-tet

mi habe mo bibli.       I have one book.
mi habe bi bibli.       I have two books.
u-ci es bibli mo.       This is the first book.
mi es mo.               I am the first.
mi viagia in klasa bi.  I travel in the second class.


qi              who
  U gina, qi  ki peri gono, es mi para-fe
  (The woman, who is going around the corner, is my neighbour)

qod             what
  Mi ski, qod fe puta.
  (I know what she thinks)


qe              (interrogative particle)

qo              what?
qo-pe           who ?

qo-pe bibli ?   whose book?

qo-lo           where?
ex qo-lo ?      from where?, whence?
a qo-lo         wither...? where to....?
topo            ....where....
qo-ra           what thing?
qali            what sort...?
qo-ka           why? (cause)
qo-te           why? (intention)
ka....          because.....
qo-di           when?
  panto-tem     always
  nuli-tem      never
qo-horo         when?
  mo kron       once
kron            ...when....
qo-freqe        how often?
qanto           how much?
  qanto preci u-ci?  how much does it cost?
ta              so much.
komo            how
qo-mode         in which way
tem             while


panto-lo        everywhere
uno-lo          somewhere
nuli-lo         nowhere
panto-ra        everything
uno-ra          something
nuli-ra         nothing
panto-pe        everybody, everyone
uno-pe          somebody, someone
nuli-pe         nobody, no one
panto-mode      everyhow
uno-mode        somehow
nuli-mode       nohow

ali-ra          whatever
ali-kron        whenever
ali-lo          wherever
ali-pe          whoever
ali             any

singu           each

homo            same
hetero          other


alo....alo      either ... or
jam             already
ko-co           also
e               and
sed             but       neither ... nor
posi            perhaps
po-co           after that
plus-co         moreover
fini-co         finally
anti-co         however
hetero-co       otherwise
akorda-co       accordingly
si ne......     unless
qasi            as if ...
klu             even ...
kaso            case ...
alora           in that case ...
vice            instead of ...
pene            almost
alelo           each other


nu-di           today
pa-di           yesterday
fu-di           tomorrow
nu              now
po              after
pre             before
imedia          immediately
po-kron         late
pre-kron        early
ali-mode        anyway, in any case....


-ka     room        lava-ka (bathroom), infra-ka (cellar)
-bo     shop        bibli-bo (library)
-bo-pe  shopkeeper  bibli-bo-pe  (bookseller), apo trika-pe (barber)
-do     house       pusi-do (cabin), religio-do (church), sko-do (school)
-ru     instrument  grafo-ru  (pencil)
-ra     thing       vive-ra (creature), memo-ra (monument),
                           reflekti-ra (mirror)
-me     machine     horo-me (watch), explode-me (bomb), sto-me (brake),
                           fora-me (drill), grafo-me (typewriter),
-ma     material    sukro-ma (sugar), ergo-ma (fuel),
-mo     furniture   lava-mo (bathtub), sedi-mo(chair),

-pe     person      sko-pe  (teacher), stude-pe (student),
-te     cloth       termo-te (blanket), kli-te (bedsheets), kola-te (scarf),
                           pedi-te (socks), poda-te (stockings)
-ve     garment     poda-ve (trousers), pedi-ve (shoe), extra-ve (coat)
                           intra-ve (shirt), sopo-ve (pyjamas),
-lo     place       puri-lo (latrine), ex-lo (exit), in-lo (entry),
                           extra-lo (exterior), lakti-lo (dairy)
-fi     filament    fi (cable), metali-fi (wire), derma-fi (strap),
-fa     set         flori-fa (bouquet), vesti-fa (kit),
-va     vessel      tea-va (tea pot), kuko-va (pan), aqa-va (pitcher),
-zo     ring        kola-zo (neck-lace), rota-zo (tyre),
                           salva-zo (life-belt)
-li     stone


auto-           self
  An bate auto. (he hit himself)
hama-           together
ekto-           outside
intra-          inside
semi-           half
sine-           without
apo-            remove, away
hiper-          excessive
sati-           enough
opisto-         behind
ambi-           both
intro-          inwards
sub-            under
retro-          backwards
ana-            upwards
kata-           downwards
ex-             out from
amfi-           both sides



habe            to have
es              to be
merka           to buy
ki              to go
vendo           to sell
veni            to come
volu            to want
trakto          to pull
fini            to end
tange           to touch
vide            to see
ergo            to work
peti            to fly
uti             to use
kade            to fall
kura            to treat
muta            to transform
saluta          to greet
sonia           to dream
cede            to renounce
ki trans        to cross
seqe            to follow
resta           to remain
responde        to answer
risko           to risk
salva           to save
postula         to suppose
cerka           to look for, to search
kredi           to believe
dura            to continue, to go on
kambio          to change
dona            to give
alexi           to protect, to shield
demanda         to ask
lukto           to struggle
kruci           to cross
stude           to study
kripto          to hide
ki ko           to accompany
skizo           to tear
ki kata         to get out, to go down
no-vesti        to undress
no-face         to destroy
apo             to remove
sti kredi       to convince
spe             to hope
pardo           to excuse, to beg one's pardon
expresi         to express
imagine         to imagine
lava            to wash
monstra         to show
gene nati       to be born
aperi           to open
auxi            to help
filo            to love
puri            to clean
bibe            to drink
limita          to limite
lase            to let
vesti           to dress oneself
habe epi se     to have on, to wear
loka epi se     to put on
akti            to do, to make
amo             to like
sedi            to sit down
komence         to begin
logi            to understand
ski             to know
sopo            to sleep
evita           to avoid
dice            to speak
pasa            to pass
puta            to think
lose            to lose
sume            to take
obe             to obey
prende          to occupy
feno            to appear
bate            to beat
tenta           to try
loka            to put
ki ex           to go out
relaxa          to have a rest
signifi         to mean
vora            to eat
fago            to eat
frika           to rub,
ko-frika        to rub together
prokura         to obtain
plora           to tear, to cry
provoka         to cause
grafo           to write
lekto           to read
ki in           to come in, to enter
ki ana          to go up
ki kata         to go down
frakti          to break
acide           to happen
salta           to jump
sti             to switch on
sto             to switch  off
elekti          to choose
ridi            to laugh
akorda          to agree
atende          to wait
baro            to press
cepti           to accept
demonstra       to prove
deskribe        to describe
doci            to teach
evolve          to develop
existe          to exist
explika         to explain
flexi           to bend
fumi            to smoke
gania           to win
ki ab           to go away
liko            to lick
osku            to kiss
paga            to pay
mira            to admire
adora           to worship, to adore
reakti          to reply
pude se         to be ashamed
viole           to attack
kla             to call (at the telephone)
verifi          to check, to control
koerce          to compel
kompeti         to compete
puta            to compute
vikto           to conquer
diskusi         to converse
labia           to kiss
glosa           to lick
gluti           to swallow
liko            to lick
tomi            to cut
sugo            to suck
karesa          to stroke
koketa          to coquette
qestio          to wonder ...   mi qestio se ... 
retira          to withdraw
trakto ana      to pull up
sati            to be enough
ordina          to order
minge           to urinate
vigi            to wake up
anas-ki         to waddle
amusa           to amuse
amplexi         to embrace
disputa         to quarrel
exkreti         to excrete
fugi            to run away
fero            to carry
apreci          to appreciate
destru          to destroy
morda           to bite
preci           to cost
grata           to scratch
turba           to trouble
spre            to spray
ambula          to stroll
denuda          to lay bare
eko             to live
cide            to murder
no-memo         to forget
kripti          to hide
inkontra        to meet
ma-amo          to prefer
krita           to screem
okupa           to occupy
funktio         to work (the machine doesn't work)
participa       to participate
preka           to pray
osmo            to push
tremulo         to tremble
razo            to shave
animaliza       to brutalize
defeka          to defecate
risko           to dare
orto            to erect
divorci         to divorce
latri           to worship
adora           to worship
mite            to send
translati       to translate
rubesce         to redden
aeskio          to be ashamed
feno            to seem
arki            to rule
lukta           to struggle
evita           to avoid
tenta           to try
subskribe       to subscribe
mulce           to caress
pardo           to pardon
trakta          to treat
eroti           physical love, to love physically


soma            body
kefa            head
kola            neck
glosa           tongue
facia           face
labia           lip
rino            nose
oku             eye
os              mouth
osteo           bone
pedi            foot
gastro          stomach
ventra          belly
entero          gut, intestines
digi            finger
derma           skin
dorsa           back, posterior
poda            leg
genu            knee
braki           arm
pulmona         lung
oti             ear
manu            hand
mama            breast
kubita          elbow
kordi           heart
karpu           wrist
hema            blood
denti           tooth
tarsu           ankle
fronta          forehead
cerebra         brain
poda            leg
genu            knee
poples          back of knee
femora          thigh  (upper leg)
kruri           calf (part of leg) (lower leg)
abdomina        belly
piga            buttocks
poste           rear
sate            penis
orkidi          testicle
prokto          anus
batalo          anus
funda           bottom
baso            bottom
gena            cheek
vilo            hair
nefro           kidney
pielo           pelvis
gremi           bosom
poga            beard
barba           beard
moli-ma         pulp

vesti           dress, clothes

piga-ve         knickers
kamisa          shirt
infra toga      skirt
pedi-te         sock
poda-ve         trousers
poda-te         stockings
pedi-ve         shoes
manu-ve         glove
intra-ve        underwear
jaketa          jacket
jinz            jeans
bota            boot
krepi           sandals
margina         edge
braca           breeches
kefa-ve         hat
lenti           glasses (spectacles)
blusa           blouse

Various Nouns

-ka             room
fenestra        window
kli             bed
kuko-ka         kitchen
vesti-ka        vestry
trena           train
vagona          car
via             street
lumi            to light
mari            sea
sko-do          school
lava-ka         bathroom
mura            wall
gazeta          periodical
bibli           book
jurnali         newspaper
heli            sun
planeta         planet
luna            moon
geo             earth
urani           sky
religio         religion
teo             god
morta           death
spiritu         spirit
bio             life
fata            destiny
nati            birth
sankti          holy
fe-sponsa       wife
milita          war
an-sponsa       husband
an-sibi         brother
fe-sibi         sister
tende           tendency
gra             grass
helio           sun
horti           garden
kani            dog
fluvi           river
flori           flower
histori         history
puri-lo         latrine
lega            law
lakti           milk
idea            idea
klavi           key
merka-lo        market
menta           mind
natio           nation
selido          page
papira          paper
kripto-nima     password
poste           rear
mari            sea
kola-zo         neck-lace
grafo-ru        pencil
stego           roof
tegu            ceiling
koragi          courage
morfo           form
psiko           soul
konditio        situation
an-fili         son
strata          street
kuti            skin
plu-kron        sometimes
fonta           source
andro           man
gina            woman
vive-ra         creature
agri            field
aurora          dawn
pirami          pyramid
viktualia       provisions
e-posta         e-mail
kloseta         water-closet
milita          war
milita-pe       warrior
lava-me         washing-machine
arma            weapon
meteo           weather
hebdoma         week
bene-veni       welcome
pre-kron        early
efekti          effect
oeno            wine
lexi            word
ergo-gania      wages
ciklo           wheel
munda           world
kosmo           world
paci            peace
teori           theory
plu nova        tidings
cigareta        cigarette
e-posta         e-mail
viktualia       provisions
kultura         culture
lakti-lo        dairy
natura          nature
regula          rule
sito            food
grega           grega
buno            hill
kumbe           horizon
frasa           sentence
doro            gift
praxi           practice
nefo            cloud
semani          sign
mero            part


zoa             animal
equs            horse
asinus          donkey
sui             pig
leo             lion
felis           cat
mio             mouse
ovis            sheep
serpenti        snake
anas            goose
galina          hen
kanis           dog
simia           monkey
fe-bovi         cow
makropus        kangoroo
avi             bird
bombus          bee
formika         ant
vespertilio     bat
apis            bee
koleoptera      beetle
bisona          buffalo
papilio         butterfly
bovi            beef
ju-bovi         calf
kamelus         camel
agri-zoa        cattle
cikada          cicada
kancera         crab
krokodilus      crocodile
korax           crow
kokix           cockoo
kolumba         dove
delfini         dolphin
glis            dormeuse
aqila           eagle
anguila         eel
ova             egg
elefa           elephant
falko           falcon
pulex           flea
vulpes          fox
girafa          giraffe
diptera         fly
kapri           goat
gorila          gorilla
anseri          goose
trago           he-goat
equs            horse
piton           python
ceta            whale
zebra           zebra
odobenus        walrus
lupus           wolf
lumbrikus       earthworm
tigri           tiger
psitakus        parrot
pavnao          peacock
kulex           mosquito
halcion         kingfisher
aloda           lark
ursu            bear
pika            magpie
pitekus         ape
bubo            owl
piton           python
gorila          gorilla
trago           he-goat
anseri          goose
fasanus         pheasant
kolumba         pigeon


famili          family
Matri           mother
  Mi matri ergo in domi.
patri           father
  Mi patri ergo in pato-do.
fratri          brother
  Mi fratri  eko in Paris.
sorori          sister
  Mi sorori eko extra Paris.  My sister lives outside Paris.
an-sponsa       husband
fe-sponsa       wife
fe-sibi         sister
an-sibi         brother
an-fili         son
fe-fili         daughter
patri-patri     grandfather
matri-patri     grandmother
patri-matri     grandfather
matri-matri     grandmother
gina-matri      mother in law
fratri-gina     brother in law
gina-patri      father in law
parenta-fratri  uncle
parenta-sorori  aunt
avunkulus       uncle


fito            plant
flori           flower
dendro          tree
fungus          mushroom
folia           leaf
horti           garden
pomi            apple
fraxinus        ash tree
banana          banana
hordea          barley
laurus          bay tree
fagus           beech tree
betula          birch
rubus           bramble
ambra           amber
kaktus          cactus
kafe            coffee
cedro           cedar
apium           celery
cerasus         cherry tree
kastanea        chestnut
grana           corn
kupresus        cypress
belis           daisy
droso           dew
fikus           fig
abies           fir
alium           garlic
miosotis        forget-me-not
fungus          fungus
gerani          geranium
uva             grapes
avelana         hazelnut
herba           herb
tulipa          tulip
iridi           iris
rosa            rose
hedera          ivy
daukus          carrot
lilia           lily
salix           willow
tritikum        wheat
qerkus          oak
viola trikolor  pansy
selinum         parsley
populus         poplar
krinum          lily
lisimakia       loosestrife
zea             maize
helo            meadow
sikaminus       mulberry
agarikus        mushroom
sinapis         mustard
knida           nettle
urtika          nettle
kotinus         olive (wild)
pisum           pea
perkola         percolate


urba            town
opida           town
centra          centre
urba-do         town-hall
pato-do         hospital
krati urba      capital
statio          station
trena           train
vagona          car
strata          street
via             street
bus             bus
placia          square
trama           tramway
boteka          shop
-bo             shop
religio-do      church
kinema          cinema
banka           bank
parka           park
dendro-via      avenue
pedi-via        pavement
steno-via       corridor
paraleli via    parallel street
memo-ra         monument
museu           museum
gono            corner
gra             grass
nova papira     newspaper
hoteli          hotel
vora-do         restaurant
bibe-do         bar
boreo           north
austra          south
orienta         east
ocide           west
jurnali         newspaper
magazina        magazine
stoa            porch


aqa             water
hidro           water
tomato          tomato
karamela        toffee
pani            bread
oeno            wine
potato          potato
pomi            apple
pirus           pear
legumi          pea
cepa            onion
olivi           olive
sandwic         sandwich
karni           meat
sui-karni       bacon
bira            beer
lakti           milk
butiri          butter
kafe            coffee
daukus          carrot
kasea           cheese
sali            salt
sukro-ma        sugar
sosa            sauce
ceresi          cherry
sardina         sardine
viktualia       provisions
oriza           rice
tea             tea
zea             mais
piperi          pepper
frukti          fruit
glacia          ice
faba            bean


tem             season
anua            year
sekunda         second
minuta          minute
di              day
blasto-tem      spring
frigi-tem       winter
sperma-tem      autumn, fall
termo-tem       summer
hebdoma         week


domi            house
face-tera       floor
face-urani      ceiling
reflekti-ra     mirror
kli             bed
lava-ka         bathroom
kopro-mo        water-closet
kuko-ka         kitchen
sopo-ka         bedroom
kubikula        bedroom
janu            door
tabla           table
sedi-mo         chair
kli-te          bed-sheet
termo-te        blanket
televisio       television
lava-me         washing-machine
kloseta         water-closet
spatula         spoon


bronto          thunder
insula          island
laku            lake
aero            air
heli            sun
seleni          moon
aqa             water
hidro           water
meteo           weather
boreo           north
austra          south
orienta         east
ocide           west
nefo            cloud
gra             grass


geografi        geography
histori         history
matematika      mathematics
literatura      literature
kemi            chemistry
fisika          physics
filosofi        philosophy
glosa           language
lega            law
heleni          greek
latino          latin
Helenia         Greece
latinizi        latinize


place           please
vale            bye bye
plu saluta      greetings
boni di         good morning
boni vesperi    good evening
boni noktu      good night,  2002-11-06 … 2005-07-18

Fast links: Interglossa » Glosa »

GRAMATIKA DE GLOSA - Committee on language planning, FIAS. Coordination: Vergara & Hardy, PhDs.