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Re: [glosalist] word order and some other things (sydpidd@...) on July 3, 2007

u andro pa itera feno ge enigma

I agree ………… my confusion made more confused by an older version of
g. i have tried to get round the problems by simplifying my dictionaries and
being more precise with word order etc i start my verb phrases with pa , fu and du etc [past future and present continuous ] - this makes it easier to see when the subject ends and the verb begins - i have found in hindi that it is not always to distinguish verb from object phrases so i would prefer us to keep the svo order in glosa - english puts modifiers [especially to verbs] in all sorts of orders - i suggest all phrases u/plu etc or pa/fu/du etc simple modifiers, head verb/noun etc
complex modifiers. more to follow syd

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Fast links: Interglossa » Glosa »

Re: [glosalist] word order and some other things - Committee on language planning, FIAS. Coordination: Vergara & Hardy, PhDs.