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Re: [glosalist] Activity

Jay Sistar (Jay Sistar <jaysistar@...>) on February 6, 2007

I believe that, for a start, we need to make an audio learning aid. I have been studying several languages, and I find that to be the best type of aid. I am sure that others agree.

I am not experienced at making such a CD/Tape, but I believe that one could start by using an existing aid for another language. These CDs/Tapes are usually littered with cultural information. I believe that this is unnecessary. Therefore, the best CD/Tape to start from is another artificial language’s CDs/Tapes, such as Esperanto.


Hal Jordon wrote:

I am hoping there is going to be more activity on the list. I think that Glosa has by far the best ideas concerning a world second language. It needs only to get its name and purpose out there. I have dabbled in the study of languages for far longer that I care to admit, and here I have found all of the concepts in place that I feel will make the interlangage (not a real word…I know) a very definite possibility.

That isn’t to say that I haven’t found a couple things I’d change, because I have. (is my grammar as bad as it seems? that jsut read as an ugly sentence) All in all, it is the best solution to something which has been a problem for too long.

I hope that these discussions pick up soon and I hope to be able to add something to them. I also hope that my abilities improve enough to where I can speak in Glosa soon as well.

Plu Saluta,


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Fast links: Interglossa » Glosa »

Re: [glosalist] Activity - Committee on language planning, FIAS. Coordination: Vergara & Hardy, PhDs.