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Re: [glosalist] Plu Generali Komenta (HEAD)
Robin Gaskell (Robin Gaskell <drought-breaker@...>) on June 19, 2003
At 01:13 AM 6/19/03 +0200, Manuel grafo:
Robin Gaskell pa grafo:
….. Alexandre, place atende plu info de gramatika. Id fu tosto gene ge-posta. Tenta observa u simpli struktura de plu verbi intra plu brevi grega (minor signifi –> ma signifi –> major signifi), EG ~U - melani - feli / pa - celero - salta / bi - alti - mura.~
Glosa es u centripeta lingua; qi habe u seqe; iso tu dice: minor -> ma -> major. Sed Alexandre dice uno Romance-lingua; qi es centrifuga lingua e qi uti u anti ordina.
- Plu Glosa autori-pe pa puta Glosa habe u tali simpli ke mu ne nece produce u separa faski de plu gramatika regula. Sed, u prima ra; qi Alexandre vo habe es u faski de plu gramatika regula. Plus, si na vo diskursi u natura de plu-ci regula, na nece uti u homo lingua te describe plu mero de u frasa, e plu koncepa poste mu.
[The Glosa authors thought Glosa had such simplicity (=was so simple) that they need not produce a separate set of grammatical rules. But the first thing, which Alexandre wishes to have is a set of grammatical rules. Also, if we wish to discuss the nature of these rules, we need to use the same language in order to describe the parts of a sentence, and the concepts behind them.]
Manuel uti bi verbi: centripeta e centrifuga. Mi ski u semani de plu-ci verbi intra skiencia, sed mi pa nuli-tem vide mu ge-uti te deskribe gramatika. U koncepa; qi mi pa gene ex plu Lingua-pe de u Conlang lista, es u-la de u “kefa.” Singu minor grega habe mo ‘kefa’; qi eqa u major verbi de u-la grega de verbi. U kefa es alo nomina-verbi alo akti-verbi; id posi gene ge-loka to uter akro, alo uno-lo intra u medio. U maxi simpli mode de deskribe u Glosa minor-grega, es de dice ke u kefa (alo major verbi) es u fini verbi de u grega. Lingua-pe sio dice de Glosa habe “Kefa Fini” struktura de id plu minor-grega.
[Manuel uses two words, ‘cenripetal’ and ‘centrifugal.’ I know the
meaning of these words in science, but I have never seen them them used to
describe grammar. The concept, which I got from the Linguists of the
Conlang List, is that of a “head.” Each phrase has one ‘head,’ which is
the main word of that
group of words. The head is either a noun or verb; it is possibly located
at one or other end, or some-place in the middle. The most simple way of
describing a Glosa phrase is to say the head (or main word) is the final
word of the group. Linguists would speak of Glosa’s having “Head Final”
stucture in its phrases.]
EG bi mega, ridi, bruno ge-derma ju-an <--- KEFA [HEAD]
[two large, laughing, brown-skinned boys]
EG pa lento tropi, celero volve <------ KEFA [HEAD]
[slowly turning, quickly rolled]
Robin Gaskell
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