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Re: Gish

ernobe ("ernobe" <ernobe@...>) on November 11, 2006

In the previous upgrade I also limited the number of searches to those whi= ch occur when specific matches had been made of certain common endings. Pr= evious to that the program would by default search for a match of the words= without the last three letters, when searches based on the letters of the = common endings did not produce resulting matches. Following the same princ= iple of yesterdays upgrade, the program as uploaded today produces no resul= ting matches when the ending is a single s and there are only matches that = add more letters to the original. Thus correspondence, for example, which = in the dictionary is defined as grama, returns a match when correspondences=

or corresponding occur but not when corresponds occurs, because correspond= does not exist in the dictionary. The idea is that correspond will thus b= e noticed and make it into the dictionary, defined either as grama or some = other word. Todays upgrade also recognizes plurals ending with ‘es’, the ‘= ism’ and ‘ist’ endings, and more ‘al’ endings. I plan to post the date of = further upgrades at

Fast links: Interglossa » Glosa »

Re: Gish - Committee on language planning, FIAS. Coordination: Vergara & Hardy, PhDs.