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Re: [glosalist] q x sc etc (sydpidd@...) on January 5, 2006

but isn’t kw 2 soundings? unvoiced velar fricative plus unviced bilabial approximant ks u v f plus unvoiced dental fricative c is ok unvoiced palatal fricative we have had one or two people in the past who have commented on this
perculiarity and appear to have been lost to us

we have rule 1, we are phonetic EXCEPT rule 2, x = k+s rule 3, s + c = ubvoiced palatal fricative rule 4, q = k +w (which latter is not in the glosa alphabet!)

people must think we are crackers! ipa have done the work for us nearly 100 years ago

so rule 1, each glosa letter is pronounced as in IPA //…. large full stop IPA is the same in all languages sid

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Fast links: Interglossa » Glosa »

Re: [glosalist] q x sc etc - Committee on language planning, FIAS. Coordination: Vergara & Hardy, PhDs.