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Re: [glosalist]universal language attempt 2 (sydpidd@...) on December 23, 2005

cow ate grass fe-bovi pa vora gra bovo mangxis herbon

u frase mero ‘pa vora ‘du habe u struktura direkti u semani du flu dia id ab ‘fe-bovi .a ‘gra ‘

the sentence part ‘ate’ has structural direction, the meaning flows through
it from ‘cow’ to ‘grass’

fraza parto mangxis havas strukturan direkton la senco fluias tra gxi el ‘bovo’ al ‘herbon’
si na du volu inf _indika ‘gra ‘e adi u info ‘fe-bovi ‘, na pote dice ‘gra pa vora fe-bovi ‘sed u sensi sio es falsi.

if we wish to indicate grass and add the information cow, we could say grass ate cow but the sense would be wrong se ni volas indiki herbon, kaj adicii la informajon bovon ni diru herbo mangxis bovon sed la senco estos erara

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Fast links: Interglossa » Glosa »

Re: [glosalist]universal language attempt 2 - Committee on language planning, FIAS. Coordination: Vergara & Hardy, PhDs.