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Re: [glosalist] phrases (sydpidd@...) on October 30, 2005

(Glosa Rules: 1. A word is modified by its preceding word. 2. Glosa sentences use Subject-Verb-Object 3. head word is at end of phrase

mi kredi ke robin _e mi dice u homo ra in plu hetero via . posi u konsili bi pa_pote es “ tema mero - _akti-verbi mero - _buta mero “

imagina 2 demo a marketa, mo duce kura de u hetero a mo ra,
mu skope a plu poli buta in-fronta mu - la es plu kilo. “ u-la “ , homi mo dice e indika. mu nu skope a proxi bi-zero% de plu buta. plu domi stalo cirkulatio demo nefo etc proxi hekto demo. “ homi “ an dice:- proxi 50 _demo. “alti”::- proxi seti zero demo. “ seka-ru “:- provi tri demo. “ pani “:-

so tele na habe “u-la andro alti seka-ru pani”. seqe plu regula 1 2 e 3 na gene in glosa, “u-la pani seka-ru alti andro es u mi parenta-fratri” u-ci frase obe plu 3 regula qi es plu fo uti duce

plu mi qestio es 1) _es u-ci facili te logi ? 2) _que id soni gluko ? _

I suspect that robin and i are saying the same thing in different ways perhaps recomendation 2 could be “Subject section-Verb section-Object section” imagine 2 people at a market, one guide attention of th other to 1 thing they look at the many objects in ftont of them - there are thousands “that” man one says and points they now look at near two zero % of the objects houses stalls traffic people clouds etc near hundred people “man” he says about 50 people “talnessl” near seventeen people “knife” “ bread “ thus far we have that man tall knife bread following rules 1 and 3 we get “u-la pani seka-ru alti andro es u mi parenta-fratri” my questions are 1) is this easy to understand ? 2) does it sound pleasant ?

sid rethink coming ….. Glosa Rules: 1. A word is modified by its preceding word. 2. Glosa sentences use Subject-Verb-Object 3. head word is at end of phrase

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Re: [glosalist] phrases - Committee on language planning, FIAS. Coordination: Vergara & Hardy, PhDs.