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Re: [glosalist] itdg (sydpidd@...) on March 31, 2005

In a message dated 2005-02-19 11:24:04 GMT Standard Time, drought-breaker@… writes:

U simpli forma ke du tena u fo-gravi aqa e du pulsa u famina apo .

[the simple form that is holding the very important water and is pushing hunger away]

thr dd is ths picture with th article in th leaflet. they dd help with th meaning much.

th translate of Robin dd is what i dd want thus thn program of i dd work . i dd not is sure of th use of “du” by i , i dd is think of th old use in england language of “do help” , i wl change to “nu” .

th problem dd is with th word “bank” . someone dd say tht thr dd is th problem with ths word tht d have ths several meaning in glosa ‘

thr is :- “bank(money), bank(pile) and bank(gradient) or more brief , bankm, bankp, bankg.

U simpli forma ke du tena u fo-gravi aqa e du pulsa u famina apo .

[the simple form that is holding the very important water and is pushing hunger away] Il pa es plu pikto ko u artikla in u presa-folia . Mu pa auxi mega ko u semani . U translati de Robin pa es qod mi pa volu so u programa de mi pa ergo . .
Mi pa ne es certa de u uti de “du” ex mi, mi pa puta de u paleo uti in England lingua de “do” ,mi fu muta id a “nu” . U problema pa es ko u verba “bank” . Uno-pe pa dice ke il pa es u problema ko plu verba ke nu habe plu oligo semani in Glosa . Il es:- bank(money), bank(pile) e bank(gradient) alo ma brevi , bankm, bankp, bankg. in Glosa:- banka(valuta) banka(kumu) banka(klina) alo banka banku banki .

Versi a ITDG .
Plu kampo de u agri-lo pe es epi u klina . U meteo es termo e sika e u pusi pluvi du kade in u anua . Seqe , plu venti du leva u solu ad-in u aero e du fla id apo . Kron plu pluvi du kade , id du lava u laxa solu kata u buno . Plu fito du detekti id fo no-facili te kresce la e mu ne pote te u solu simul . ITDG du cerka te detekti plu mode te auxi ko u-ci tipo de problema . Mo solve es te stru u seri de plu kurva banku trans u klina . Plu u-ci banku du lento u flu de u aqa e du lase id te ki_kata ad-in u solu . Plu u-ci aqa du resta in u solu sati tem te dona_sito_a plu fito . ITDG du stora plu simpli instrumenta e ski qo-mode te auxi plu demo te gene-es pote te kura pro mu auto se .

mi grafo de ITDG ka mi amo te steiligma plu grega ke du auxi plu demo te sta epi plu pedi de mu se . pluso Glosa es u tipo de projekti paraleli ko qod mu akti .

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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Re: [glosalist] itdg - Committee on language planning, FIAS. Coordination: Vergara & Hardy, PhDs.