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Re: [glosalist] Glosa spektura (sydpidd@...) on October 31, 2004

dear aaron and all, my thoughts are a little muddled and confused just now but this casts a light on my use of glosa . i had a holiday in spain - the canary isles - but ended my stay in a hospital there. in fact, we managed the the language problem with not much difficulty but a language like glosa would have been useful . however i do have some difficulty reading and writing it so i’ve been thinking of why and what to do . i have mentioned that g eng etc , like light , seem to have a spectrum from ultra lit like poetry to infra dig like very simple instructions and i have assembled a g variant and method with names like linglo, linigolo or glosa-infra-dig .

the method seems to work as follows:- we take our eng etc version but re-write it in g-i-d order:- subject noun phrase, verb phrase and object section (can be quite complex with phrases in it) the phrase will have intro word(s), head word and modifiers. in fact glosa has much the same structure but often the introduction word is omitted. glosa however places the head word at the end of its phrase.

these plants are in the wrong place. they prefer the tops of the hills, flat cold and damp. the water flows very slowly or only stands. the dead plants rot down very slowly and the soil becomes very acid, the rain also is slightly acid. that is how these plants like it. you are growing them lower down, it is warmer and the water flows fast, it has been flowing through the soft crumbly limestone so the conditions are rather alkaline with calcium in it. you also add tap water which is hard here and os is also alkaline. your plants hate it here.

np plant here v is in ns place wrong . (“the/a” become ns/np. “np” tells us that a noun phrase follows with a plural head noun - “plants”, “ns” has a singular head -“place”, “does” becomes “v”, “v” has a verb in the present- “is”) (the head word follows the intro word) (i use a computer program to replace the english with glosa) plu fito ci du es in u loka falsi .

they v prefer np top of np hill flat , cold and damp . ns water v flow slow very or v stand only . mu du ma-amo plu akro de plu buno , plano , frigi e humidi . u aqua du flu lento fo alo du sta solo .

np plant dead v rot slow very and ns soil v become acid very . plu fito morta du sapro lento fo e u solu du gene-es akidi fo .

ns rain v is also acid little . u pluvi du es pluso akidi pusi .

that v is how these plant v like it . u-la du es quo-mode plu-ci fito du amo id .

thou v grow them far more down ns slope, it v is warm more and ns water v flow fast , tu du kresce mu tele ma kata u klina , id du es meso_termo ma e u aqua du flu tako ,

it vp flow through ns lime stone soft and crumble thus np circumstance v is not acid and with ns calcium in it . id pa flu dia u kalci-petro moli e fria so plu cirku-sta du es ne akidi e ko u kalcium in id .

thou v add also water tap which here v is hard and thus v is also not acid . tu du adi pluso aqua valva qui ci du es dura e so du es pluso ne akidi .

np plant of thou v hate it here and seem sick and vf die . plu fito de tu du odio id ci e du feno pato e fu morta .


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Fast links: Interglossa » Glosa »

Re: [glosalist] Glosa spektura - Committee on language planning, FIAS. Coordination: Vergara & Hardy, PhDs.