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Re: [glosalist] Glosa spektura (sydpidd@...) on October 5, 2004
just as light has a spectrum, it seems tht glosa has one too. it stretches =
from infra-dig to ultra-lit, from every last detail of grammar/structure’s=
revealed, to their being left out altogether. example; “es” could h=
ardly be
anything but a verb so in infra-dig it wd be “du es/nu es”, just =
“es” in fluent
delivery or absent in poetry.
……….. espanol
As=ED co=
mo luz tiene un espectro, parece glosa de tht tiene un tambi=E9n estira
ello del infra-cava al ultra-lit, de cada =FAltimo detalle de
ucture es de ser revelado, a su ser dejado fuera enteramente. el ejemplo; “=
apenas podr=EDan ser algo pero un verbo tan en infra-cava wd es “E/nu E=
de du”,
apenas “E” en la entrega con soltura o ausente en la poes=EDa.
glosa word order, ns=3Dnoun phrase singular vd=3Dverb phrase present=
, np=3Dnoun
phrase plural:-
same ns light vd have ns spectrum , it vd see=
m tht ns glosa vd have ns
spectrum also . it vd stretch from ns infra-dig =
to ns ultra-lit , from vd reveal
all detail of ns grammar / structure t=
o vd omit np all detail . example ; ns
“es” vd is almost only ns verb . =
thus in infra-dig it vd must is “du es/nu
es” , it vd is only “es” by np =
fluent speak -pe or absent in ns poetry .
Homo u foto du habe u spek=
tru, id du feno ke u Glosa du habe u spektru pluso.
Id du tensio ex u infr=
a-dig a u ultra-lit, ex du monstra panto mini-ra de u
a du omite plu panto mini-ra. Exempla; u “es” du es pene
solo u akti-verb=
i. So in infra-dig id du es “du es/nu es”, Id du es solo “es”
ex plu flu l=
oqi-pe alo in u poesi.
U poesi/verba-pikturi:-
Supra Plu Nefo [28nor= d16uest]
Infra …. plu nefo tenu ge-difusi rako-margina leuko =
Infra inter-nefo …. urba ge-difusi rako-margina leuko rosa kloro
= Horizo …. leuko polio rako-margina nefo dura
Pusi-supra dista …= . polio akuto klari plu monta-akro
Infra mu dista …. no vista
Gran= Canaria
Cirka …. plu pina dendro
Dia plu aku …. plu nefo epi= plu aku …. plu guta
Supra …. alti-koni ab koni …. plu
entili sedati klina solo nudi aridi
Na sta epi cinera
Ex …. piro =
explode erupti vulkani fumi
fo-termo liqi-petro
de longi tem pa
Na sta= a pedi de El Teide
[Non-text portions of this message have been rem= oved]
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