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Re: [glosalist] linglo from glosa 04810 (sydpidd@...) on August 10, 2004

==== plu panto konsono du nece soni kompleti e ko kura . in linglo u vokali 6 du gene pote uti qo-lo plu bi seqe konsono du es no-facili . du imagina u quadra , u vokali “i” du pote es a u akro levo gono , “a” a u baso levo e “u” a u akro dextro . u “e” du pote es semi tele inter u “i” e u “a” , u “o” du sio es semi tele inter u “u” e u baso dextro gono . nu , du imagina u ne klari vokali in u meso de u quadra . u-ci du es “schwa
(sva)” ge representa ex u ge verte pusi “e” in I.P.A. . u-ci du pote gene uti , brevi e quieta , inter plu no-facili bina de plu konsono . u verba tensio du kade epi u vokali pre u ultima konsono . plu kapitala litura du es ne nece e du gene ne in puri linglo sed plu grafo pe du amo mu e mu du pote habe plu mu uti . so , plu kapitala du pote gene lase ka u proto litura in u frase e te proto plu verba ke du es ne probabili te es detekti in u generali lexiko . “Robin” du es u homi nima sed “robin” du es u speci de avi , “Smith” du es u english ultima nima sed “smith” du es u persona qui du face plu ra . =====

all consonants are to be pronounced carefully and completely. in linglo a 6th vowel can be used where two adjacent consonants are difficult to separate when spoken completely. imagine a square, the vowel “i” could be at the top left corner, “a” at the bottom left and “u” at the top right. “e” could be half way between “i” and “a”, “o” would be half way between “u” and the bottom right corner. now imagine an unclear vowel in the middle of the square. this is “schwa (sva)” represented by an upside down lower case/small “e” in I.P.A. . this could be used short and quiet between difficult pairs of consonants. the word accent falls on the vowel before the last consonant. capital letters are not essential and are omitted in pure linglo but some writers like them and they can have their uses. so, capitals can be allowed as the first letter in a sentence and to start words that are unlikely to be found in a general dictionary. “Robin” is a man’s name but “robin” is a species of bird, “Smith” is an english surname “smith” is a person who makes things.

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Re: [glosalist] linglo from glosa 04810 - Committee on language planning, FIAS. Coordination: Vergara & Hardy, PhDs.