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Re: [glosalist] Qi

Robin Gaskell (Robin Gaskell <drought-breaker@...>) on February 29, 2004

Dear Gary, I do not write many emails to you, because it is your policy to use the language, not discus it. I appreciate your concept, and What you have achieved. I would also rather talk about Glosa writing that has been done by subscribers to the list.

But, the saddest part is that we are losing you because of events  beyond your control.  I hope this is not the last time we see your  call-sign and shaggy beard signing off.  Also I hope you find new work soon.

From your item below, I suspect that you were too considerate to  suggest that I was unnecessarily heavy-handed in my comments about ending a  sentence with a preposition .. or with a relative pronoun.
So, as a part of my last message to you, especially, I do not want to  go on at length. At 07:15 PM 2/22/04 -0600, you wrote:

Karo Glosa ami,

Igor, tu habe u mega ski de lingua skience. Tu pa gene id qo-lo?

Robin pa grafo:

         Mi ne ski u ra; an pa grafo de. ALO     Mi ne ski u ra; an pa grafo de qi.
                           Qe, na dice 'kako' uti Glosa?
                           Bi de plu-ci frasa kausa no-hedo-ra.
   Mi vo dice ke bi habe ero, e ne sio debi es ge-doci iso Glosa.
[I wish to say that both are wrong, and should not be taught as Glosa. ***  I might apologise for using such strong lanuage.

U proto frase es exakti u stru; u bibli 18 Gradu ma amo (vide Gradu 15 e 18). Hogben Interglossa pa habe u regula; SU (nu-tem QI) debi es solo u nima-verba de frase-mero. Mi idio ma amo: “Mi ne ski u ra; de qi an pa grafo”; qi plus gene uti in 18 Gradu (!).

Un idea pa es: England lingua habe mo verba pro bi ra: WHAT es u qestio-verba e u relativi pro-nima. Plu hetero lingua nece uti bi verba pro u ra bi, per England-lingua THAT WHICH es plus posi. Glosa nu uti qo ra?

EN: The idea was that English has one word for two things: WHAT is a question word and a relative pronoun. Other languages need to use two words for the second one; in English THAT WHICH is also possible. Which construction should Glosa use? I believe the two-word construction occurs in the underlying semantics even in languages which use only one word for the relative phrase. I thought about diagraming the sentences for you, but… *** While grammatically correct usage in English is a bit of a rarity, nowadays, if Glosa is ever to be taught, then “correct structure within phrases and clauses” would be a major part of the instruction … simply because good Glosa has good syntax. [ Meanwhile, the converse could also be said to be true. ]

Compare the   18 steps ... "   "Mi ne ski u ra; an pa grafo de."
 With Gary's preferred:           "Mi ne ski u ra; de qi an pa grafo"

   One has an 'unfinished' feel to it; the other flows, and sounds  complete.
   Simply, Gary demonstrates an innate understanding of syntax.

Mi ne volu dice de gramatika. Mi volu simpli dice per Glosa. Mi amo komunika, anti-co gramatika sti fatiga mi, idio kron es no-nece. *** I would hope that most of us are attracted to Glosa as a ‘communication medium.’ Also, I trust that we would like to see more use of it in this way.

Po lose mo ergo, mi pa habe no-facili habe funktio pro Glosa. Mi ne pote bali plu Glosa ra per posta homo pre, e mi nece detekti u neo ergo. *** Tu es intra na plu puta. Holo-na bali a tu na plu maxi boni volu.

Kausa bi-ci ra, mi fu apo se ab u-ci lista e ab Glosa ergo uno-tem. Mi volu boni fortuna a Glosa! *** Gracia!

A re-vide, _ _ /. Gary #/# ### *** Asura, na vo re-vide tu signatura marka; qi es u maxi boni; mi pa vide,


Robin Gaskell

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Re: [glosalist] Qi - Committee on language planning, FIAS. Coordination: Vergara & Hardy, PhDs.