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Gary R Miller (Gary R Miller <justi.miller@...>) on February 23, 2004

Karo Glosa ami,

Igor, tu habe u mega ski de lingua skience. Tu pa gene id qo-lo?

Robin pa grafo:

         Mi ne ski u ra; an pa grafo de. ALO     Mi ne ski u ra; an pa grafo de qi.
                           Qe, na dice 'kako' uti Glosa?
                           Bi de plu-ci frasa kausa no-hedo-ra.
   Mi vo dice ke bi habe ero, e ne sio debi es ge-doci iso Glosa.
[I wish to say that both are wrong, and should not be taught as Glosa.]

U proto frase es exakti u stru; u bibli 18 Gradu ma amo (vide Gradu 15 e 18). Hogben Interglossa pa habe u regula; SU (nu-tem QI) debi es solo u nima-verba de frase-mero. Mi idio ma amo: “Mi ne ski u ra; de qi an pa grafo”; qi plus gene uti in 18 Gradu (!).

Un idea pa es: England lingua habe mo verba pro bi ra: WHAT es u qestio-verba e u relativi pro-nima. Plu hetero lingua nece uti bi verba pro u ra bi, per England-lingua THAT WHICH es plus posi. Glosa nu uti qo ra?

EN: The idea was that English has one word for two things: WHAT is a question word and a relative pronoun. Other languages need to use two words for the second one; in English THAT WHICH is also possible. Which construction should Glosa use? I believe the two-word construction occurs in the underlying semantics even in languages which use only one word for the relative phrase. I thought about diagraming the sentences for you, but…

Mi ne volu dice de gramatika. Mi volu simpli dice per Glosa. Mi amo komunika, anti-co gramatika sti fatiga mi, idio kron es no-nece.

Po lose mo ergo, mi pa habe no-facili habe funktio pro Glosa. Mi ne pote bali plu Glosa ra per posta homo pre, e mi nece detekti u neo ergo.

Kausa bi-ci ra, mi fu apo se ab u-ci lista e ab Glosa ergo uno-tem. Mi volu boni fortuna a Glosa!

A re-vide, _ _ /. Gary #/# ###

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Fast links: Interglossa » Glosa »

Qi - Committee on language planning, FIAS. Coordination: Vergara & Hardy, PhDs.