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Re: [glosalist] Too much plainness

Robin Gaskell (Robin Gaskell <drought-breaker@...>) on February 22, 2004

Saluta Laslo,

I got your message re the possessive. Yes it does seem a gap in the functioning of Glosa. A possessive particle could be coined and used … as long as it is apt, and well-researched. The ‘possessive particle’ which already exists, is DE. Also, FE and NA will suggest ownership of the home by the lady mentioned.

 Mi matri ergo intra na domi.

 Whether mother sews clothes as an out-worker, of simply does 'domestic  duties' is not clear.

 I don't know how the ancient Greeks or Romans denoted the possessive,  but that could be a fruitful line of enquiry.  It would probably be nice to  consult with Wendy Ashby on the matter. Wendy Ashby Glosa PO Box 18 Richmond Surry    TW9 2AU England

I’ll agree the slang use of “mother” in Hungary is unfortunate, but if ‘motherhood’ isn’t sacred, what is?

However talking to people in slang is not the purpose of an International Auxilliary Language - there are more important matters to be discussed internationally. So, while you know what “mother” means to Hungarians, I guess you’ll have to keep it top yourself when having a serious conversation - in any language - with people from other cultures.

But, seriously, I wish to re-enforce the idea that idiom and metaphor should be avoided when using a designed language, because these are often special to a particular culture, and not in use in other language groups. Slang does not even get a mention in this: we were thinking of using the language to save the world.


Robin A final note on “plainness.” I objected to being restricted to the Glosa 1000 list for this very reason. I was ecstatic when the Glosa 6000 came out, because this gave me the option of varying my diction by using the Grrek and Latin synonyms to avoid repetitious use of a word. R.

1/04 +0100, you wrote:

Saluta Robin,

I have begun to study the Glosa, and I found the needing of possesive pronouns: “Mi matri ergo in domi.”

In the hungarian language, for example, sometimes you can use nouns as verbs: “to mother” does mean: “to say dirty words”. I think, this mode of using nouns may be find even in other languages.

So, “Mi matri ergo in domi” for a hungarian can give the undermentioned sense: “I am saying dirty words while I am working inside the house.”

But for example: “Mi-a matri ergo in domi.” - could give you a better understanding. Or a different solution that you will find more opprtune.

Constructive intentionned,


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Re: [glosalist] Too much plainness - Committee on language planning, FIAS. Coordination: Vergara & Hardy, PhDs.