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Sko IX

Gary R Miller (Gary R Miller <justi.miller@...>) on February 6, 2004

Panto karo Glosa-pe,

Igor habe korekti. Mi kredi; Esperanto pa habe sucede, ka imedia po id krea es poli translati-pe; qi pa translati poli bibli e verba-bibli. Nuli IAL fu gene sucede minus u-ci. Ka-co mi plus dice gratia a Mario de an translati. Mi plus memo plu longi-tem ergo de Marcel de Glosa Inter-reti Dictionari (GID).

Saluta, _ _ /. Gary #/#




  1. Uno-tem u pusi feli; Qi es leuko, Ludi ci ko kapt-abili Pre longi tem.

  2. In na zoa-do, u mus ki A ci e la. Fe audi u-la feli Pre longi tem.

  3. Feli boni oku vide– Homo u korvo– An fu gene kapt-acide Pre longi tem.

  4. Feli habe tetra pedi– Pedi ta moli– Qi pa kapti ko sucede Pre longi tem.

  5. Feli habe nona denti– Pan in mo seri– Qi pa gene Mus atenti Pre longi tem.

  6. Anti Feli tenta cide, Mus pa sti voci E ki ab ko fo rapidi Pre longi tem.

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Fast links: Interglossa » Glosa »

Sko IX - Committee on language planning, FIAS. Coordination: Vergara & Hardy, PhDs.