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Re: [glosalist] Panto Glosa ami debi ki versi ci e akti plura ra pro Glosa!

Marcel Springer (Marcel Springer <marcel@...>) on October 17, 2017

(English seqe ###.)

Ave Li Zhenyu,

gratula de tu interese e entusi pro Glosa. Gratia de tu grama a mi e ci a Glosalist. Tu grafo fo boni Glosa.

Qe, tu pa reali komunika a Gary per Skype? Fo boni ra, gratula! Posi tu pote grafo ci de u-ci experi, place.

Penite, nu mi ne habe sati tem pro Glosa.

Habe hedo e sucede ko Glosa. Saluta ex



Hallo Li Zhenyu,

congratulations for your interest in and enthusiasm for Glosa. Thank you for your mails to me and here at Glosalist. Your Glosa is very good. Did you really communicate with Gary via Skype? That is great, congratulations. Perhaps you could write something about this experience here, please. Sorry, at the moment I have not enough time for Glosa. Have fun and success with Glosa. Greetings


Fast links: Interglossa » Glosa »

Re: [glosalist] Panto Glosa ami debi ki versi ci e akti plura ra pro Glosa! - Committee on language planning, FIAS. Coordination: Vergara & Hardy, PhDs.