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Re: [glosalist] Tense and number and other things

Marcel Springer (Marcel Springer <marcel@...>) on October 17, 2017

(English seqe ###.)

Karo 3zja, David Porter e Christopher Marshall e panto Glosa-ami,

gratia a panto vi, vi uti u-ci Yahoo-grega e grafo ci.

3zja pa grafo:

1) How mandatory is marking tense and number in Glosa? 2) Would Glosa work, in theory, without marking tense/number? As I’ve understood it, marking number is semi-mandatory: u/un/plu is not needed if the sentence is still clear without it. I suppose one catch is that.. u/un/plu is used to make the phrase clearer, to show what is a noun and what is a verb.. am I right in presuming that it fills such a role?

Ja, tu habe korekti.

Would sentences like:

  • mi pa lekto bibli, e logi [that]..
  • pa-di, mi lekto bibli, e logi [that].. be normal Glosa?


I suppose then that.. the phrase-start “mi grafo …” could already mean both “I write” and “my writing”, right? (Thinking about the limits in regards to comprehensibility and how much difference the u/un/plu makes..).

Itera ja. … Glosa es fo libe lingua. E plus tu habe veri: uno-kron id pote limita u logi, si u dice-pe es tro minus-kura.

(Btw, how active is the Facebook group?)

Mi ne ski. Mi ne fo amo Facebook, so mi ne pa atende u-ci grega. Sed mi puta; panto aktivi pro Glosa e plu hetero auxi-lingua debi gene lauda.

Saluta a panto vi

Marsel Salt’-an


Dear 3zja, David Porter, Christopher Marshall and all Glosa-friends, Thank you all for using this Yahoo-group and for writing here. … Every guess of 3zja was correct. Glosa is a very free language. And it is also correct, that then sometimes it is harder to understand if the speaker is too sloppy. About the Facebook group I do not know much. I never took part there, because I don’t like Facebook very much. But I think, every activity for Glosa or the other auxlangs should be praised. Greetings to all Marcel Springer

Fast links: Interglossa » Glosa »

Re: [glosalist] Tense and number and other things - Committee on language planning, FIAS. Coordination: Vergara & Hardy, PhDs.