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Cisco Kid- ultima
Gary (Gary <gmillernd@...>) on January 21, 2013
The old ancestor, asleep on his blanket, was awakened by the shots. > Un fo-paleo-an, tem somni in soma-te, gene vigi kausa plu fusili.
Listening further, he heard a great cry from some man in mortal distress or anguish, and rose up grumbling at the disturbing ways of moderns.
Tem plus audi, an gene u fono de mega fo-voci ex uno andro ko sti-morta turba alo algo, e sti sta, tem kritici de plu sti-turba more de plu neo-pe.
The tall, red ghost of a man burst into the /jacal/, reaching one hand, shaking like a /tule/ reed, for the lantern hanging on its nail. > Un alti, rubi an-spiritu subito kine in domi, e tensio mono manu, tem seiso homo u kana-fito, tende gene u lampa epi aku.
The other spread a letter on the table.
Un manu bi extende u grama epi tabla.
"Look at this letter, Perez," cried the man. > Un andro voci: "Sti vide u-ci grama, Perez.
“Who wrote it?”
“Qo-pe pa grafo id?”
"/Ah, Dios/! it is Senor Sandridge," mumbled the old man, approaching. > U no-juve andro no-klari dice, tem veni; "O, Teo! Es sr. Sandridge.
“/Pues, senor/, that letter was written by ‘/El Chivato/,’ as he is called–by the man of Tonia.
“O, Sinior, u-ci grama pa gene grafo ex ‘u Kripto-pe,’ mu nomina an tali– un andro de Tonia.
“They say he is a bad man; I do not know.
“Mu dice; an es u mali andro. Mi ne ski.
“While Tonia slept he wrote the letter and sent it by this old hand of mine to Domingo Sales to be brought to you.
“Tem Tonia somni, an pa grafo u grama, e bali id per mi paleo manu a Domingo Sales, tende sti veni a tu id.
“Is there anything wrong in the letter?
“Qe es uno falsi ra in grama?
“I am very old; and I did not know.
“Mi habe poli anua. Plus-co mi ne pa ski.
“/Valgame Dios/! it is a very foolish world; and there is nothing in the house to drink– nothing to drink.”
“Teo auxi! Es u stupidi munda. Plus-co es zero bibe in domi– zero bibe.”
Just then all that Sandridge could think of to do was to go outside and throw himself face downward in the dust by the side of his humming-bird, of whom not a feather fluttered. > Kron, panto-ra, Sandridge pote akti, es kine ex domi, e bali facia-kata se topo latu de auto trokili; de qi zero pina gene moti.
He was not a /caballero/ by instinct, and he could not understand the niceties of revenge.
An ne natura es u “gentili equs-an.” Kausa-co an ne pote logi plu desira ra de persona puni.
A mile away the rider who had ridden past the wagon-shed struck up a harsh, untuneful song, the words of which began: > Bi kilometra tele, un equs-pe; qi pa kine ultra vagona-do, sti akti u krudi, kako kanta; plu verba de qi habe u proto:
Don't you monkey with my Lulu girl
> Si tu akti ko mi gina Lu,
Or I'll tell you what I'll do--
> Mi fu akti anti tu.
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