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Pimsleur Metodi

Robin Gaskell (Robin Gaskell <drought-breaker@...>) on December 19, 2003

Plu Karo Amika, Tem mi viagia dia un Inter-reti, mi pa detekti u-ci mero de valu-abili info.

Id dona refere ad u metodi de gene sko de lingua, u Pimsleur Metodi.

U-ci fo dina mode de dona sko de lingua habe nuli bibli, e uti solo soni.

Mi pa kopi u ma mega artikla ex u Reti, e fu bali id a plu-pe; qi posta  qestio, sed, ci, mi inklude u pusi itema -- u-ci lista habe nuli facili pro  ge-adhesi itema    ____

“Numerous studies have revealed that in every country, native-speakers use only about 2,500 distinct words and phrases on a daily basis. Dr. Pimsleur spent his lifetime studying these language building blocks. With the Pimsleur approach, it’s not how many words you know, but rather, which words you can use. By aiming each lesson at teaching you to use those 2500 words, the Pimsleur approach teaches you to speak the most German in the least amount of time.” ___

`` The Pimsleur approach is so effective because it traces how people developed language. Before written history, we had oral history. Most people, even kings, couldn’t write or read in ancient times. Some people can’t even read today. Most language learning systems fail to acknowledge that writing only exists to represent the words we speak. So you should ask yourself, “Why should I learn to read German if I can’t even speak it?”

The Pimsleur German course immediately immerses you in a German conversation to help you grasp the syntax or structure of the German language. Amazingly, once you understand the syntax, that chaotic, “foreign” sound so common to language learning disappears instantly. You’ll start to recognize words and phrases. The Pimsleur approach will help to change your perception within your first 30 minutes! `` ___

 E so, posi na debi sio pluso kocentra na eforti ko u doci de Glosa in  u dona sko per solo soni.

 Qod dona sensi a mi pa es u mentio de 'sintaxi.'
 Uti u-ci metodi, mu habe solo 2500 verbi, e dona sko de sintaxi per oti.

 Mi ne ski, alo mi uti Glosa iso mi puta tem uti England-lingua, alo,  ka mi praxi ko Glosa, mi menta nu kausa mi te puta in England-lingua iso mi  sio akti tem uti Glosa.

=== Dear Friends, While wandering through the Internet, I found this valuable piece of information. It refers to a method of learning language, the Pimsleur Method. This very powerful way of teaching language has no book, and uses only sound. I copied the larger article from the Net, and will send it to people who ask for it, but here I include a small item - this list having no facility for attachments. __ __

 And so, possibly we should also concentrate our efforts, with the  teaching of Glosa, into instruction by sound only.
 What made sense to me was the mention of syntax.
 Using this method, they have only 2500 words, and teach about syntax  by ear.
 I do not know: either I use Glosa as I think while using English, or,  because of my practice with Glosa, my mind now causes me to think in  English as I would do while using Glosa.    ===
Place nota: mi puta de Glosa e forma plu Glosa frasa - prima; seqe, mi  translati u Glosa in England-lingua.

…Please note: I think about Glosa, and form Glosa sentences first; then I translate the Glosa into English.


Robin Gaskell

To help with usage, I use:- GLOSA 6000 - 6000 Greek and Latin Words and Roots, 1992, Glosa Download (144pp) Glosa Internet Dictionary (GID): English - Glosa, 2000, Glosalist [now updated on Marcel’s website] Greek dictionary Latin Dictionary & common sense, inherent language ability, and the idea of Chomsky’s “Universal Language” My original website is now hosted by Bill Patterson at:-

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Pimsleur Metodi - Committee on language planning, FIAS. Coordination: Vergara & Hardy, PhDs.