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An ne pote memo- An merka

Gary Miller (Gary Miller <gmillernd@...>) on June 7, 2012


Mega gratia. I was hoping that someone who also speaks Glosa = would acknowledge my speaking, so I am happy to hear from you about it.

I= meant to put a note that explained that ‘non-schematic’ pronunciation is p= robably acceptable to Wendy and Ron’s plan for the language, since they inc= luded examples with something like british accents. I don’t want to discour= age people who haven’t heard the language before, if they hear it, and it s= eems difficult..For the moment I’d like to improve my ‘schematic’ pronuncia= tion because it is the ‘basi’ on which to compare other accents.

This is e= xactly the right attitude. TOLERANCE. If you understand what was said, the = language is successful. Don’t say, “But you’re pronunciation isn’t perfect.= “ -> U-ci es un exakti korekti este. TOLERA. Si pe logi u ra; ali-pe dice, = u lingua habe sucede. Ne sti dice: “Anti-co tu dice-soni ne es perfekti.”


This is from the 18 step guide, in step 12. “An ne pa pote memo plu verba= seqe-co an pa merka u verba-bibli.”

Except for the punctuation, this sent= ence is correct. -> Excepti plu inter-verba sema, u frase habe korekti.

TO= LERANCE. Speakers of Western European languages seem to have a different sy= stem of reflexive pronouns than do most other languages (including the orig= inal Latin they came from). Therefore I would say simply expect some differ= ences here. -> TOLERA. Plu dice-pe de plu uest-Europa lingua feno habe u di= fere sistema de plu re-flexi vice-verba, de maxi poli hetero lingua (klude = un origi lingua Latino; ex qi mu pa veni). Kausa-co mi dice; pe simpli debi= cepti plu difere de u-ci.

I hate talking grammar. But if you really want = to- -> Mi este odio de dice de gramatika. Anti-co, si tu veri volu dice-

L= ogically, since SE refers back to the subject of the sentence, SE can never= be the subject of the sentence or even of a phrase. In the phrase starting= with ANTI-CO, AN is the subject, taking the verb MERKA and the object U VE= RBA-BIBLI. It is simply context that makes AN the same person in both phras= es. It is only logical that a person who needs help remembering words would= need a dictionary. When you think of it, if I say HE, does the word refer = to President Obama, Prince Charles, or some bum sleeping in the street? How= does anyone know exactly what the word HE is referring to? Since context- = that is simple common sense, not grammar- actually determines who or what a=

pronoun refers to


Saluta= , _ _ /. /\ =A0 Gary #

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An ne pote memo- An merka - Committee on language planning, FIAS. Coordination: Vergara & Hardy, PhDs.