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Re: Military ranks

Localhosed (Localhosed <localhosed@...>) on May 12, 2012

U-ci es interese e auxi. This is interesting and helpful.

De plu hetero verba, es mali fortuna ka plu verba habe multi difere semani. (minus ge-translati ex Glosa) Concerning the other words, it’s too bad/bad luck because the words have many different meanings. (without translation by Glosa)

Plu Hierarki pote gene expresi ex plu solo ge-ordina numera. Ka-co, u ge-translati de u-la es u mero doxo. Mi dice u-ci kausa : Uti de ‘SUB, VICE, SUPRA’ posi pote gene puta iso numera-ordina. Anti-co, plu-la frase auxi mi. Hierarchies can be expressed by only ordered numbers. Therefore, a translation of that is a part opinion. I say this because : Usage of ‘sub, vice, supra’ possibly can be thought of as number-order. However, those phrases help me.

Mi ne pa puta de ‘STRIA’. Mi logi. Anti-co, inter difere landa, qe ne plu stria difere ? (qantita) I didn’t think of ‘STRIA’. I understand. However, among different countries, don’t stripes differ? (quantity)

Mi fu uti “SIMPLI MILITA-PE”, kausa id feno ma klari de mi u tende. (Plus, id akorda u tende de u ludi.) (alo - “Plus, id akorda u ludi tende.”) Mi pa puta de “Private”, sed ne de u-ci mode! I will use “SIMPLI MILITA-PE” , because it seems clearer regarding my intention. (Also, it matches the purpose of the game) (or - Also, it matches the game’s purpose)

Gratia, saluta, vale, Mega … es ne Glosa verba qi semani “Soybean” ! Mi fu cerka.

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Re: Military ranks - Committee on language planning, FIAS. Coordination: Vergara & Hardy, PhDs.