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Gary Miller (Gary Miller <gmillernd@...>) on May 6, 2012

U diaboli fito; qi feno du bio minus tera e pluvi, feno ridi per densi p= olio-kloro qalita anti u dipso viagia-pe.

Mi logi ci; tu logika de uti ‘= tera’. Pre, mi uti ‘tera’ in certa frases. In plu-la frases, mi fu uti ‘geo= ‘.

Saluta, alexi de domi epi buno ko lito

I haven’t seen the differen= ce between TERA and GEO discussed lately. Perhaps it’s not important.

Hogb= en used TERA (from Latin TERRA) to mean “earth” in the sense of “soil, oppo= site of sea.”

He used GEO to mean “Planet Earth, whole Earth.” Consequentl= y GEO-MA means “mineral.”

Tu forti tako gene ski de Glosa!

Saluta, _ _ /.=

/\ =A0 Gary #

Fast links: Interglossa » Glosa »

Tera/geo - Committee on language planning, FIAS. Coordination: Vergara & Hardy, PhDs.