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Re: Ultima Viole

localhosed ("localhosed" <localhosed@...>) on April 23, 2012

Mega gratia, Gary!

Tu info es exacti. Mi pa spe de id. Mi es ge-hedo = kausa tu tipo u-la info. Plus-co, Ian pa logi mi info!

Mi ne boni logi gra= matika de glosa.

“Plu vive-ra ab tera fu muta pan demo de tera tende plu d= ulo. Postula na vole sto akti de mu; Na sio destrui U cerebra de vive-ra ab= tera!”

Mi puta supra frase es ne korekti Glosa. ( –Mode de uti ( if [..]= then [..] ) frase; Mi ne a-nu logi. )

Nu mi lekto “xeno cerebra” homo “st= range/unusual brain” alo “foreign brain”. Anti-co, de frase in English; U-c= i frase in Glosa es iso mikro exacti! Mi lekto “cerebra de xeno-pe” homo “f= oreign-person brain” alo “foreigner’s brain”.

Anti-co, qo-lo mi plu lenti= ? De mi kefa; Mi apo bi-ci lenti de facia. De mi oku; Mi moti mi lenti epi= surface de mi plu oku.

De lenti, Mi ne a-nu lose mi plu mikro bola de lit= o. (ge-lustra marmora)

Anti-co, u-la kripti semani. U-la es homo no-semani=
. U-la idioma. (“idiom, idiome, idioma)” : ge-translati ex google).
Pe lose plu mikro bola de lito. (ge-lustra marmora) Pe es ge-rabi. Alo = plus, Pe es ge-mania.

Saluta, Vale, “Alexi-pe”

— In glosalist@yahoog=, Gary Miller <gmillernd@…> wrote:

The Final Battle (from th= e Society of War against Aliens)

The pyramid’s elevator is taking your= soldiers far below the surface of the planet.

They come to a large = intersection; it has many tunnels and rooms.

An alien brain is hidden = somewhere in the labyrinth. The aliens are going to turn all Earth’s peop= les into slaves.

We must stop them; the alien brain must be destroyed!=


The only thing I was a little shaky on was “Kond= itio na volu sto mu.”

To solve the problem of where your lines split o= n the page: Turn off the “word wrap” before you copy text to your e-mail = server.

Saluta, _ _ /. /\ =A0 Gary #

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Re: Ultima Viole - Committee on language planning, FIAS. Coordination: Vergara & Hardy, PhDs.