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Cisco Kid 8

Gary Miller (Gary Miller <gmillernd@...>) on January 14, 2012

But there was a man named Fink who kept a store at the Crossing– a man of many nationalities, tongues, interests, and ways of thinking.

Anti-co es u certa andro ge-nomina Fink; qi habe u vendo-do topo trans-lo– un andro de poli demo, lingua, interese e mode de puta.

“No use to ask them Mexicans,” he said to Sandridge.

An dice a Sandridge: “Es vani, qestio a plu Mexico-pe.

“They’re afraid to tell. “Mu fobo de reakti.

“This /hombre/ they call the Kid–Goodall is his name, ain’t it?–he’s been in my store once or twice.

“U-ci andro; mu nomina Juve-an– Goodall es an nomina, qe?– an pa es in mi vendo-do mono alo bi kron.

“I have an idea you might run across him at– but I guess I don’t keer to say, myself.

“Mi idea es; tu posi kontra an topo– anti-co mi ne volu dice, ne mi.

“I’m two seconds later in pulling a gun than I used to be, and the difference is worth thinking about.

“Mi es bi sekunda po-kron de tira u manu fusili-me. Plus-co u difere habe u valu; de qi pe debi puta.

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Cisco Kid 8 - Committee on language planning, FIAS. Coordination: Vergara & Hardy, PhDs.