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Cisco Kid 6

Gary Miller (Gary Miller <gmillernd@...>) on December 18, 2011

Lieutenant Sandridge turned a beautiful /couleur de rose/ through his ordinary strawberry complexion, tucked the letter in his hip pocket, and chewed off the ends of his gamboge moustache.

Sub-kapitana Sandridge gene u rosa kroma dia norma kroma de koku Fragaria, moti u grama in marsu proxi a koxa, e apo-morda plu fini de neo-mode labia kapila.

The next morning he saddled his horse and rode alone to the Mexican settlement at the Lone Wolf Crossing of the Frio, twenty miles away.

U seqe mana, an moti u sedi-ru ad equs, e viagia solo a Mexico viki topo trans-lo Solo Lupus de fluvi Frio, u 30 kilo-metra tele.

Six feet two, blond as a Viking, quiet as a deacon, danno-juveus as a machine gun, Sandridge moved among the /Jacales/, patiently seeking news of the Cisco Kid.

Alti, xanto-kapila homo u Viking klepto-pe, risko homo un auto-mekani fusili-me, Sandridge kine inter plu mikro eko-do, tem tolera gene plu info de Cisco Juve-an.

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Cisco Kid 6 - Committee on language planning, FIAS. Coordination: Vergara & Hardy, PhDs.