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"U(N)/PLU" Resolving Basic Confusion

Zhenyu ("Zhenyu" <lizhenyu_god@...>) on November 5, 2010

Plu karo Glosa-ami, Most of Glosa’s basic confusion come from over-using “T= ako-Glosa(Fast Glosa)” forms like “Mi volu.;Mi kanta.” in place of “U volu = de mi, U kanta de mi”. If we use the more exact phase structure “u(n)/ plu.=…”, which will be much longer than Tako-Glosa. So, many people design= various new Glosas to improve the original. Some of those plans by adding = affixes showing PARTS OF SPEECH have deviated the ISOLATING CHARACTERISC of= Glosa. If their designers think that’s clear for grammar or sentence struc= ture, why don’t they directly use Esperanto or Mondlango? I know, they like= its Latin and Greek vocabulary which is the most common in all Euro-langua= ge, also quite short in the word shape, and, especially attractingly, its c= ompound words are quite easy and logical. Speaking of this, I’d like to giv= e examples to show why Glosa attracts more people.

Ex.: Glosa——Englis= h—Esperanto—Mondlango

avi———bird——-birdo——-birdo bio—-= —–life——–vivo——–vivo



“birdo”of Espreranto and Mondl= ango derives clearly from English “bird”, not common quite much! Glosa “avi= “ defives from Latin, common to most of Euro-languages! Mondlango can’t int= roduce the Latin root “bio” for the same meaning, because “bi” became its “= two”,whose “Bia (adj. of two,)” will have the same form of “Bio(n. life)–>= Bia(adj. of life)”. “Bia(of two)” and “Bia(of life) are not allowed. Contra= rily, Glosa can do this, because Glosa “bi(two)” needn’t add some affixes l= ike “-o, -a, -e, -u” and can indepently be. Thus, Glosa is free and flexibl= e in word sourcing. English “AVIary; AVIation,etc.”are associated to the me= aning “avi(bird)”, which is about “bird’s living place; flying”.

Glosa’s = “bio” derives from Greek, which is more common and shorter than Glosa “vive= “ and Esperanto’s and Mondlango’s “vivo” that derives from Latin.

Glosa’s = “akti-lexi” and “Meno-bi” are absolutely inteligent from “verb,verbo” and “= February,Februaro” of the other three languages. No need to give more expla= nations here.

Actually, I think we can use the way by showing “U(N)/PLU” = in front of all noun phrases without adding any extra new words and forms o= r changes to the original Glosa, in order to resolve some of basic confusio= ns in Glosa.

Ex.: Mi volu=3DI want Mi volu es boni=3D I want to be good. M= i pa volu es boni=3D I wanted to be good. Mi fu volu es boni=3D I will want= to be good.

u volu=3D a/the will (n.) Mi u volu es boni=3D My will is goo= d. Mi u volu pa es boni=3D My will was good. Mi u volu fu es boni=3D My wil= l will be good.

Mi u nu-volu es boni=3D My present will is good. Mi u pa-v= olu es boni=3D My past will is good. Mi u fu-volu fu es boni=3D My future-w= ill will be good.

Mi plu volu es boni=3D My wills are good. Mi tri volu es= boni=3D My three wills are good. Mi panto volu es boni=3D All my wills are= good. Mi u volu tri es boni=3D My will is good. Mi u mega volu es boni=3D = My big will is good. Mi u mega volu tri es boni=3D My third big will is goo= d.

Mi u Robota=3D My Robot Na plu Robota=3D Our Robots Mi, u Robota=3DI, R= obot Na, plu Robota=3DWe, Robots Mi e na plu robota=3D I and our robots Mi = u e na plu robota=3D My and our robots Plu robota de mi e na =3D (The) robo= ts of mine and we Plu robota de mi e de na =3D (The) robots of mine and our= s

Dona u robota a mi.=3D Give a/the robot to me. Better not: Dona a mi u = robota.=3D Give (to) me a/the robot. For avoiding some possible confusion. = Dona plu robota a mi.=3D Give (the) robots to me. Better not: Dona a mi plu= robota.=3D Give (to) me (the) robots. For avoiding some possible confusion= .

Fe bi-rota.=3D she bicycles.(she rides a bicycle.) Fe bi-rota ad u cita.= =3D she bicycles to a/the city.(she rides a bicycle.) Fe u bi-rota=3D Her b= icycle. Fe plu bi-rota=3D Her bicycles. Fe tri bi-rota=3D Her three bicycle= s.

Aqa u flori=3D Water a/the flower Plu karo ami=3D Dear friends. “Karo = plu ami” is seen in some places, which should be wrong!

Saluta! Li Zhenyu=

Fast links: Interglossa » Glosa »

"U(N)/PLU" Resolving Basic Confusion - Committee on language planning, FIAS. Coordination: Vergara & Hardy, PhDs.