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Re: [glosalist] roberti3

Nicholas Hempshall (Nicholas Hempshall <nick_hempshall@...>) on July 25, 2003

— sydpidd@… wrote:

Homo qo!

�Like that� = (dressed) in that manner = ~u-la mode (ge-vesti)~

Subito, an pa face u mega fo-spira, sto e feno enigma.

~face~ = make, build, construct ~sti~ = make, cause to ~akti~ = do, behave

~pa akti u mega fo-spira~ = made a big gasp

~feno enigma~ = seemed puzzling ~feno ge-enigma~ = seemed puzzled

An komence tremulo viole, sto, torno e ki celera versa intra u domi linqi aperi u strata porta, u extra porta e u kamera porta.

~torno~ = L. tornare “turn on a lathe,” from tornus “lathe,” ~versi~ = turn around ~retro~ = back ~ki celera retro~ rushed back

~linqi u strata porta ge-aperi ~ leaving behind the street door opened

“Qe tu pa ge-nati in un agri?” dice Beti tem klude plu tri porta.

I wonder if, ~Beti dice~ might be better than ~dice Beti~

Poli ami saluta ex Nick

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Re: [glosalist] roberti3 - Committee on language planning, FIAS. Coordination: Vergara & Hardy, PhDs.