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Re: Hello, I have some questions about Glosa

Zhenyu ("Zhenyu" <lizhenyu_god@...>) on April 13, 2010

Ci, in pa-tem, es poli interese sti-ma-boni sugesti pro Glosa! Mi more hab= e u simi idea iso u-ci ami! Es u paleo more frase de Cina-lingua dice:”Plu = hero habe simi idea!”

Mi nu-di serca mu ex pro na plu-ci ami te retro-vide= plu pa-diskusi de sti ma-boni Glosa e te lase na plu ami de pensi si Glosa= sio gene buta a ma-exakti libela pro ma facili e tako e korekti lekto e au= di.

Saluta Li Zhenyu

— In, “Kevin Smith” <li= ngua@…> wrote:

— In, “David” wrote:

= Hello Kevin, I was pleased to know that you are still an enthusias= t of Glosa as I support your views on the vocabulary and am in the pro= cess of working through your 4000+ English to Glosa dictionary. Did = you ever complete it - or have you an interest in completing it? I r= egret that the website is no longer available.

I don’t anticipate= having the time/energy to work on Glo/Tavo for the forseeable future. I = would be happy to answer any questions about it, though.

Fortunately= , the “wayback machine” archived my site at various points. I would consi= der this one to be about the best starting point for continuing my work, = as it is shortly before I began switching from Glosa/Greek vocabulary tow= ard Latin roots:

However, the following details are m= issing from that page, for some reason. “ca” is really important, but I’m= not sure if I would keep “sa” and “he”:

And I added a few words, w= here Glosa just didn’t have any word that was even close. Examples:


  • ca - To start a verb phrase without specifying pa/nu/fu. For example: m= i ca gresi. (I walk.)
  • exflu - Outflow, output.
  • he - Begins an imper= ative sentence, where there is no subject, and where place is not appropr= iate. For example: he, vora! (Eat!)
  • influ - Inflow, input.
  • pasada -= Past. Since Glo makes a clear distinction between particles and substant= ives, pa could not serve as both a past tense verb marker and also as a t= ime indicator. Glosa had words for present and future (presenti and futur= i) but none for past.
  • sa - Indicates posession, like the English ‘s. Gl= osa treats the posessive case as an adjective, which can lead to ambiguit= y. Here is an example of how sa would be used in Glo: mi sa gina sibi es = ci. (My sister is here).
  • susta - Sustain, support, uphold. Glosa used= tena for this, but tena has too many meanings.


Fast links: Interglossa » Glosa »

Re: Hello, I have some questions about Glosa - Committee on language planning, FIAS. Coordination: Vergara & Hardy, PhDs.