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[Bill to zeta:] Re: The List - U Lista

Marcel Springer ("Marcel Springer" <marcel@...>) on March 29, 2003

Je Sat, 29 Mar 2003 16:47:15 -0000, John skribis:

I agree that a change to yahoo! is a very good idea.

Agreed. I’m subscribed to 50 or so lists on Yahoo, have most set to no-mail (website only), the remainder set to mail digests (no HTML, right!), and, naturally, only have enough time to actually participate in a very few.

If you avoid the website, reading as email (especially digested), the adverts aren’t very obtrusive at all. It works very well. Maintains the archives too, and in an easily searchable fashion!

Salata, Bill

– William W. Patterson xyzzy!

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[Bill to zeta:] Re: The List - U Lista - Committee on language planning, FIAS. Coordination: Vergara & Hardy, PhDs.