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Re: [glosalist] Gramatika - Simpli Frasa Struktura

Robin Gaskell (Robin Gaskell <drought-breaker@...>) on June 28, 2003

Karo Lista-pe, At 06:35 AM 6/26/03 -0700, Nick Hempshall grafo:

(Robin pa grafo mero)

U fo mega melani kani pa morda u tenu, pusi bruno-ge-kapila andra.

Un uti de ~ge~ in u-ci frase, es un kopi de enland-lingua “brown-haired”. (Plus, plura hetero europa lingua habe homo uti). Es sati de grafo “u tenu, pusi, bruno-kapila andro”.

  • Veri, si un uti de bruno-kapila = “brown-haired” mi habe akorda. . Glosa nece habe uniformi. . Na nece habe gru, sed simpli, forma.

Mi vide ke Nick face nuli komenta de u prima minor-grega, ~U fo mega melani kani~ U-ci don a mi hedo, ka u-ci minor-grega habe plu deskribe verbi ex minor signifi, to u laevo, ad u maxi signifi, to u dextro, ko u major verbi to un extremi dextro. U-ci es u klasiko ‘Kapita Fini’ [Head Final] struktura.

U kani du fo feroci morda u feli.

Es u pusi hetero; si pe uti ~du~ [is still biting/continues to bite] alo ~nu~ [is now biting/is in the process of biting].

** U kani nu morda u feli fo feroci

Un adverbi ne nece gene loka ante cefa akti-verba.

  • Ci na don un apare de skope Glosa ex difere direkti. Anti-co, mi tenta fero in harmoni inter na bi vista. # U Modifi-verbi precede un Akti-verbi; qi id modifi. # U separa Modifi Major-grega pote veni seqe un Akti-verbi.

Mi logi ke u supra ~fo feroci~ eqa u fo ge-elide Major-grega:- ~U kani nu morda u feli, e id fo feroci akti so.~ ALO ~U kani nu morda u feli, e id akti so ko fo feroci.~

Seqe elide, plu-ci esce:- ~U kani nu morda u feli, fo feroci.~ [… the cat, very ferociously.] ALO ~U kani nu morda u feli, ko fo feroci.~ [… the cat, with great ferocity.]

** Un andro in pato-vagona eqa pe; u kani pa morda.

[The man in the ambulance is the one that the dog bite.]

  • Ron Clark pa uti u-ci forma, e an pa nima id “telegraphic” stilo. Mi kredi es ke plu persona; qi gene sko de Glosa, vo habe ma verbi te explika u situa. Kron mi uti voci te lekto tu frasa, id soni nudi. Pro plu gene-sko-pe mi prefero:- ~Un andro intra u pato-vagona eqa u pe; qi u kani pa morda.~ [the man in the ambulance is the person, that the dog did bite]
    “The man in the ambulance is the one the dog bit.”

Pluso, pro plu nomina-verba-grupa u cefa verba ne nece eqa un ultima verba.

exempla “Un [andro] in pato-vagona” e “[pe]; u kani pa morda” (cefa verba in [])

  • Mi sensi konfusi ci, koncerne u semani de u ra, ‘cefa verbi.’ Nick uti ‘cefa’ te describe u major drama-ra intra u semani de u frasa (andra = pe). Mi skope singu minor-grega, e detekti u difere ‘cefa’ pro singu de plu-ci. Na vide u pusi problema ci, ko un absenti de u klari faski de plu verbi te deskribe u gramatika de Glosa. Ron Clark, tem imagina u kali de Glosa, nuli-tem pa imagina u nece pro plu tali “gramatika verbi.” Sed, pro na pusi grupa de promoti-pe, un absenti de plu-ci verbi du kausa u kritika problema.

[We see a small problem here, with the absence of a clear set of words to describe the grammar of Glosa. Ron Clark, while imagining the beauty of Glosa, never imagined the need for such “grammatical words.” But, for our small group of promotors, the absence of these words is causing a critical problem.]

E so, ka mi pa prima uti u verbi, ‘cefa’ te traduce un existe Lingua-skience uti, “cefa fini” [=head final], mi pretende un uti de ‘cefa’ pro u major funktio verbi intra u minor grega; e ko-co, invita Nick de selekti u difere speciali verbi te deskribe u major semani drama-ra de u frasa alo major-grega.

[And thus, because I first used the word, ‘head’ <=cefa> in order to translate the existing Linguistic term, “head final,” I lay claim to the use of ‘head’ for the main functional word in a phrase; and, with that, invite Nick to choose a different special word to describe the main semantic actor in a sentence, or clause.]

Mi kredi ke na, intra u Glosalist, ko akorda inter na-auto, sio debi akti - lo Ron Clark ne so - te forma u gru faski de plu verbi pro gramatika uti.

[I believe that we, in the Glosalist, with agreement among ourselves, ought to act - where Ron Clark did not - to form a suitable set of words for grammatical use.]


Robin Gaskell

To help with usage, I use:- GLOSA 6000 - 6000 Greek and Latin Words and Roots, 1992, Glosa Download (144pp) Glosa Internet Dictionary (GID): English - Glosa, 2000, Glosalist [now updated on Marcel’s website] Greek dictionary Latin Dictionary & common sense, inherent language ability, and the idea of Chomsky’s “Universal Language”

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Re: [glosalist] Gramatika - Simpli Frasa Struktura - Committee on language planning, FIAS. Coordination: Vergara & Hardy, PhDs.