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Re: [glosalist] Re: Better grammar discussion 2 (sydpidd@...) on June 29, 2008

“the very tall man with white hair ……. “ th very tall man with white hair “u fo alti andro ko alba kapila “
introduce word - simple modifier (of alti) - simple modifier (of andro) ko (with) introduces a more complex modifier - modifier (of hair)

modifier (of andro). simple modifiers precede the head word, complex

ones follow the head word. it is easy to find the head word. “the very tall man with white hair is my uncle” th very tall man with white hair d be th i uncle . “u fo alti andro ko alba kapila du es ….. “ “du es” is the info section with time “du” is the introducing word, the time is present continuous “u fo alti andro ko alba kapila du es u mi parenta-fratri .”
“u” is the introducing word of an info section, the number is singular.

there is no complex modifier so “parenta-fratri” is the head word and

“i” is a modifier

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Re: [glosalist] Re: Better grammar discussion 2 - Committee on language planning, FIAS. Coordination: Vergara & Hardy, PhDs.