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Re: [glosalist] Re: versions of Gish - bridge glosa (sydpidd@...) on January 13, 2007

tu es fo koragi te akti u programa ab u fo fo no-regula english ( alo justi
so deutsch ) a ne kompleti uniformi glosa - mi debi sio amo te vide u * seqe * de u glosa ge produce - anti-co mi puta mi volu hesi a u mi eng a ponti a glosa - - mi pa es “awol” examina plu algebra e geometry de
perspective sed mi du spe te versi a u plika pre longi -
from my bridge eng/glosa thou be very brave te do th program from th very very irregular english ( or fairly so german ) to not complete regular glosa - i should liking te see th result of th glosa ge produce - nevertheless i think i will stick to th i e to bridge to g - i dd be awol investigate ths algebra and geometry of perspective but i d hope te return to th fold before long - sid

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Fast links: Interglossa » Glosa »

Re: [glosalist] Re: versions of Gish - bridge glosa - Committee on language planning, FIAS. Coordination: Vergara & Hardy, PhDs.