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Re: glosawiki advice

Marcel Springer ("Marcel Springer" <marcel@...>) on May 17, 2006

Syd grafo 2006-05-16:

so far i have made a long long page in sydglosa = with a short story that’s turning out rather longer than i expected and = with it a scattering of heresies. i should like to separate the stories= from the heresies, is it ok if open another page called sydglosagrammar=

or something like it? syd

Sura! Place face poli pagina! Boni id= ea; si panto pagina ex tu habe nomina; qi proto ko “syd”. Saluta - Marcel.=

Fast links: Interglossa » Glosa »

Re: glosawiki advice - Committee on language planning, FIAS. Coordination: Vergara & Hardy, PhDs.