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Re: [glosalist] sort of tutor .......... (sydpidd@...) on April 23, 2006

Imagine a doctor with a seriously ill patient who is

rather confused, the doctor is english speaking and

the patient not so. The doctor must explain to his

patient what his condition is. They both can use a computer to do some of the

translation and the computer has glosa as a common

language. The glosa has to be quick and easy to use

and with as few rules as possible and no exceptions

Doctor to patient:- ‘ Heart failure is the term used when the heart

becomes less efficient at pumping blood round the

body, ….. ‘ . ‘ The sentence has more than one other embedded in it.

Let us deal with the first one ‘ heart failure is the term [ …. ] ‘

1] We need to find the subject/indicating section;

it is ‘ heart failure’. ‘ failure’ is the head/main

word it is singular/one and ‘heart’

modifies/describes/ it and makes precise. Glosa

needs an introducing word with number. the number is

one/singular. I shall use ‘th’[like the english

‘the’/’a’], next follow any simple modifiers [heart]

the end of the phrase is the head [fail] and the

section ends with any complex modifiers [ there are

none here] so:- ‘th heart fail’ 2] Now we need the verb/inform/time section. That is

simple enough - ‘is’ but I want each section to have

an introducing word, here present and with duration

‘d’ [like the english [‘do be’] so:- ‘ th heart fail d is’. An advantage of ‘d’ is

in its showing the beginning of the verb and also

the end of the subject 3] We need the object/inform/number section ‘ th

term ‘ The sentence in Glosa construction but english words

is:- ‘th heart fail d is th term’

Translated by the dictionary and program gives:- u kordi fali du es u ge-fixa-tem

However, our use above of ‘term’ is not in the glosa

dictionary! Translated back gives:- th core heart fail failure d v be is th term

Kordi is both heart and core, I suggest that heart

becomes ‘kardi’ in line with medical terminology ‘th heart fail d is th termdef ‘ ‘u kardi fali du es u tekno-nima ‘ Dictionary. *=english, =glosa, ;=comment *term\?def?tim?] …. ambiguous english word -

change it *termdef\tekno-nima;term plus definition] *termtim\ge-fixa-tem;term plus time]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Fast links: Interglossa » Glosa »

Re: [glosalist] sort of tutor .......... - Committee on language planning, FIAS. Coordination: Vergara & Hardy, PhDs.