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Re: [glosalist] sort of tutor .......... (sydpidd@...) on April 21, 2006
We could have people working on different approaches to glosa methods and
have them used. We could then let natural selection chose and alter them.
I suspect that when anyone hears a sentence or group of them, they are
sorted in the brain in structures like a general/universal grammar from their own
tongues and in my own method they are sorted from there into a Glosa
structure. Different people will think in different ways . Some people are new to
glosa and need its structure made very clear and simple , others will be able to
shorten things. The verb ‘es’ is an example I have suggested ‘du es’ is used
for the present tense but as ‘es’ is very unlikely to be anything but a
verb, ‘es’ alone could be quite clear. However, this adds one more rule or
exception to be learned and the more variants we allow, the slower and more
difficult the learning becomes and the less likely newcomers are likely to
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