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Re: [glosalist]

Robin Fairbridge Gaskell (Robin Fairbridge Gaskell <drought-breaker@...>) on October 9, 2005

At 12:09 AM 10/5/05, sid pa grafo:

as you say, we need to know quickly and easily where the verb phrase starts - the first word could be “pa” , “fu” , “nu”, “du”, “sio” ( i’ve been using “ du” for the present tense) and those words could be used for nothing else so “now” might be “nu-tem” and so on. u ergo-pe du ergo boni e u an ergo du ergo in u longi tem. much of the difficulty in reading g wouls be reduced this way’ in the case of “es”, it is rare for it to be used as anything but a verb so “du” could be left out u an ergo es ma boni nu-tem de id pa es Hi sid, This sentence is one I’d probably like to see run with ^trainer wheels^.

u ergo-pe du ergo boni e u an ergo du ergo in u longi tem.

  Assuming that you started with an English-language sentence in  your head,  I'd probably like to see what it was before I could  comment on this Glosa version.

  I'd agree that ~nu-tem~ would mean 'now', but feel it is  probably unnecessary if ~nu~ does the job, and sentences were clearly written. 

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Re: [glosalist] - Committee on language planning, FIAS. Coordination: Vergara & Hardy, PhDs.