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Re: [glosalist] Glosa grammar and universal grammar (it was: Glosa on web)

Lluís Batlle i Rossell (=?iso-8859-1?Q?Llu=EDs?= Batlle i Rossell <viric@...>) on August 19, 2005

On Fri, Aug 19, 2005 at 07:52:41PM +1000, Robin Fairbridge Gaskell wrote:

  The other problem with learning the language is the absence of a  'rule-book' .  If Syntax is the thing, then I believe that GOOD SYNTAX can,  and must, be taught.  However, Ron Clark did not perceive this as a  stumbling block to people's learning of the language.   

Right! (I applause, really :)

  I suspect that lurking, waiting to be discovered, there is a  ``Grammar of Syntax.``  Maybe, when Linguists discover it there will be a  breakthrough in the 'Universal Grammar.'  However, it will need to be  written up in much more understandable language than that used by Chomsky.

Mmm that thing about ‘Universal Grammar’ is only an attracting title, or something “in the mind of some people”? I mean… Are there people believing in a future find of a “universal grammar”? I thought it was merely a title from Chomsky.

  If mankind ever does find out just how syntax really works, then a  break-through in International Auxiliary Language should occur.  If not,  ultimately the well-organized army of Esperantists will have their way.

Ne tiom bone organizitaj, tutcerte ;) Kaj pri la vortaro, mi opinias ke tiusence Glosa ja pli bonas ol esperanto. Simple Esperanto facilegas al euxroplingvanoj, kaj pro ia simpleco kompare al aliaj euxropaj lingvoj, gxi pli al ne-euxroplingvanoj kompare al la lerno de normale-akceptita euxropa lingvo.

I think the human cortex is so flexible, that it can deal with many grammars, different at all. Simply, the nervous system would adapt itself to the language, having a neural network which deals with a concret language. The mother language, of course, most defines that neural network about languages. Isn’t that a simple point of view? Why should there be a “universal grammar”, if we have such a flexible brain? :)

Maybe I don’t understand, what a “universal grammar” would be :)


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Re: [glosalist] Glosa grammar and universal grammar (it was: Glosa on web) - Committee on language planning, FIAS. Coordination: Vergara & Hardy, PhDs.