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Re: [glosalist] klari frase mo (sydpidd@...) on January 25, 2005

Eng, Glosa e glosa-baso ge-kompara:-

English “Is the structure of the sentence clear?”

Glosa “qe u struktura de frase es klari?”

glosa-baso “que u struktura de u frase du es ge klari” u verba mo:-

“is” posi es u qestio/komanda/brevi, akti-verbi cefa/auxiliary, solo_mo/ an-fe-id, nu-tem

G “qe/que” dice na habe u qestio g-b “qe/que” du dice ke na du habe u questio

G In english “is”, habe soni (z).posi habe (s) /(sh)/(zh); soni (s) posi habe grama “c”, “c” posi es (s) alo (k); (k) posi habe grama “q” …. g-b in u english “is”, du habe u soni (z). posi du habe (s)/(sh)/(zh); u
soni (s) posi du habe u grama “c”, “c” posi du es (s) alo (k); (k) posi du habe grama “q” ….

“q” in “qe” habe plu soni (kw), la es no (w) in glosa e 2 soni pro 1 grama

“q” in “que”, “u” e “e” panto du habe plu soni in i.p.a. [q][u][e]

E “is” could be question/command/abbreviated, verb main/auxiliary, singular/

“qe/que” says that we have a questionhe-she-it, present “is” s has sound (z). could have (s) /(sh)/(zh); sound (s) could have “c”, “c” could be (s) or (k); (k) could have “q” …. “q” in “qe” has sounds (kw), there is no (w) in glosa we 2 sounds for 1 letter “q”,”u” and “e” all have the sounds in i.p.a. [q][u][e]

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Re: [glosalist] klari frase mo - Committee on language planning, FIAS. Coordination: Vergara & Hardy, PhDs.