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Cisco Kid 45

Gary Miller (Gary Miller <gmillernd@...>) on December 23, 2012

Sandridge quickly explained to his men the official part of the missive.

Sandridge tako sti klari a panto polica-an un ergo mero de grama.

The rangers protested against his going alone.

Plu-la tele-polica-an kritici; an kine solo.

"I'll get him easy enough," said the lieutenant. > U sub-kapitana dice: "Mu fu sati facili sto an.

“The girl’s got him trapped.

“U gina tena an.

“And don’t even think he’ll get the drop on me.”

“Plus-co vi ne sti doxo; an fu gene u vikto supra mi.”

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Cisco Kid 45 - Committee on language planning, FIAS. Coordination: Vergara & Hardy, PhDs.